Who makes the best 1989 Joker?

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Super Freak
Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
With the Keaton 1989 Batman Statue coming out and the Batmobile I can't afford on pre-order (lol) I was wondering.

Who makes the BEST Custom 1989 Joker figures? I would LOVE to add one to my collection?

1989 Batman was one of my ALL TIME faves. Any suggestions? Who has made them? Who still makes them? Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? Complaints? Compliments? lol

Best '89 Joker?
Oh gee...intothevoid I really appreciate your kind complement, but the tile is "who makes the best 1989 joker?", and by no means I fit in that title. I simply sculpt heads and having fun with it. thanks

I think you need to check out the customs thread - we have Imaresqd1 making a sculpt of 89 Joker and he is one of the most talented 1/6 sculptors I have ever come across.

Link to his commission thread:

Link to his other work:

And Betomatali is making the outfit:
You're too modest Adam :)

The complement is well deserved.

And yes, I guess you're right, I didn't exactly answer the questions correctly - lol, but I'm confident your sculpt will be superior to anything else we have had for Nicholson Joker thus far, therefore indirectly you will be making the best 89 Joker lol
I don't know about that....thanks tho

You're too modest Adam :)

The complement is well deserved.

And yes, I guess you're right, I didn't exactly answer the questions correctly - lol, but I'm confident your sculpt will be superior to anything else we have had for Nicholson Joker thus far, therefore indirectly you will be making the best 89 Joker lol