Re: Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - TDK- BATMAN full spec and pics
oh yea one more I forgot about
oh yea one more I forgot about

oh yea one more I forgot about
Looking good with that cape!
I do think it will benefit from a neck mod however
Don't suppose there's anyone on here with an extra mint DX box they'd be willing to sell?
Nice pics again gipetto! Congrats on the fig.
The neck hasn't bothered me at all since I got it!
All the new pics are really good Gipetto, but I especially like this one! ^^^
I agree, however I think it is less of a necessity with the velvet cape as it builds the shoulders up more than the rayon one does.
Pics looks great Gipetto!
Awesome pics!![]()
I must be slow, but even with the instructions booklet, I still have no idea how to properly clasp on the cape. I'm too worried about breaking something. Any help would greatly be appreciated!
I don't know why you guys find it impossible to just answer his question.
I don't know why you guys find it impossible to just answer his question.
While we're talkin' capes, I just recieved my figure from BBTS, no oil any where I'm happy to report, but what is the trick to getting the cape tabs in place? Is it simple brute force? the instruction booklet is this than helpful. I can't seem to get them to "lock in". Are they even supposed to? Any help from any of you would be most appreciated.
Well, yes and no. Once you figure out how to do it right, you force it in.
Get the little fabric corner in first, the push the plastic clip down and slide it in. That's the part you have to force. Not sure if that made sense. Just look at how its shaped to figure how it's supposed to fit, and then make it fit.
If you don't get themt in it wont look right.
Actually the clips are the other thing I really like about the Hot Toys cape. I like that I know it's clipped in there really solid rather than just stuffed into the suit.
It's just a matter of using the clips properly and not being afraid to force them in. Once you get used to it you can take the cape on and off with the clips really fast and easy.
Some pics of the Dark Knight. First let me ask...any tips on getting the cape pushed all the way into the slots? I'm trying not to force anything of course. Thanks in advance.
(I hereby omit myself from any responsibility with regard to damage done to the property of Chigger58.)![]()
Hey guys
Just got a DX bats. Amazing figure!! But how in sweet jesus name does the cape fit on. I'm following the instructions, but ends up looking rubbish. Anyone address this somewhere? Help!!![]()
Yeah it's addressed, somewhere in between 11 thousand posts...better get to lookin'
Mag will pipe up I'm sure...he's addressed the issue a few times...and believe him when he says force it.
Mostly, for me, I was trying to separate the cape pins from the cape...kind of hold them back, and then try to slide them in. Doesn't work that way though.
Tried it with the fabric portion in it's normal resting place (not pulled back) and it slid in on mine...then just push down to kind of lock the tabs in.
Hope that helps...and you'll know when you get it in place...looks tons better.
Not much to add to that. Just point them down and then slide it under. That's where the forcing happens. I should say that someone said you don't need to 'force it' if you slightly lift up on the chest armor. I haven't tried this as I was no longer using the HT cape when I read that, but give it a try.
Let us know how it goes badhatharry.![]()
I could get into the whole "force it!" thing with the clips, but just go with what Gippeto said. The customs are much better anyway.