Look how wonderful that gorilla hair is in the back. I love how it's wavy and not straight. That's how I like the gorillas to be...that's the hairstyle on the back that I'm going to try to make for my 1:1 Urko mask. I already bought human hair that curls up when wet...it could be straightened out as well or you could make it curl a little. I can't wait to start on that project. I'm still struggling with Mystique's outfit...I want to get that accomplished before I start on Urko.
Where Taylor is standing on this photo--that would be high enough to give me vertigo. I'm really scared of heights.
Angel--I was so desperate that I even wrote to Ada to ask her if she had the mold so I could get another cast, because I didn't know you made a mold.

Can you believe she said that she didn't have a mold of it? How could that happen? I always thought she kept molds of everything she makes so that she could sell it on Feebay--like when Snick hired her out to make Brent. I would love to get an Armando cast. Do you want to trade an orangutan or Julius cast for an Armando cast?
IM--Sorry to hear about your loss of 6 headsculpts. That just bites. I hate when that happens, especially to one of my friends.
Sixx--glad you are customizing as well. We need more apes so we can take over the world.