Mags- yeah, it's just the shadow. Just went and looked again at the figure.
If mine wouldn't stay on then that would suck. Like I said they won't be used on either of Mark VI figures.
OT: did you put some reviews of the HT Iron Man busts on youtube?
Yeah, I have a review of the Mark IV, VI, and War Machine on there.
Never even took mine out of the tray.
Wish I had done that.
Which reminds me, I still haven't successfully opened the flaps on his calves...
Wish I had done that.
Which reminds me, I still haven't successfully opened the flaps on his calves...
Why do they open? Is it just to let you see the pistons, or is it part of the flight system?
Why do they open? Is it just to let you see the pistons, or is it part of the flight system?