Going around the league, I hope Haley gets the boot, I can't believe he did nothing in the off season to improve that well noted and well scouted weak defense in KC. They have no offense now as well with cHarles out.
Jacksonville, I like Del rio as a coach but I feel that this might be it for him, with the QB competiton unless Gabbert starts.
Minnisota's defense is getting to old, Mcnabb is just not the same.
San Fran and Denver have the same issue both Harbaugh and Fox have a lot of garbage to clean up with both teams because of Singltary and Mcdaniels, but they will get it together, more so with Denver, but because San Fran has Alex as QB it will take a while.
Bengals need to fire Marvin Lewis ASAP and completely restructure the entire team, remember this was team that was a force in history with boomer and Corey Dillion.