I Did love the Look of Ripley in Alien Resurrection, specially that hair... she did look pretty good, I loved her outfit too,
Actually the whole movie has a really slick and nice look to it, the movie might suck yeah
but I loved what they did with the Lighting and the sets too, too bad the human characters and the plot ruined the movie, but I do like looking at the movie from time to time,
(in fact when I was younger I didn't even think it was bad, I liked it, the only thing I really hated was the baby alien at the end and the queen giving birth was really wtf? hated that, but I thought the rest was not that bad)
Megan Fox, who cares anymore, lol for those that Hate her, she is disappearing into obscurity to never be seen again hahaha, I do think she is really hot, certainly eye candy
Alien Resurrection.. was..better... than Alien3