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I never thought to frame those lids. I've always hated having something so cool just stashed away in my closet.
Thank's guys! Glad you like it!

Yeah it looks SO good when it's 3D-ish :)! Really pleased with the result!!

And yes it's a painting i found on a trip to New York, made by a street-artist. Also really pleased with that :)!
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Forgot about this one - I think it's really cool!
Have to frame this one too, but with a really deep frame and some background lighting.

My first piece! I really love this one! The skin-texture on Killer Croc looks so bad ass!!

These are the things worth showing. Then there's some small items all over the place.
And sorry for the poor quality, I had to use my mobilephone :)

Hope you like it!

Tell me about the stand and batarang please.
That DX 02 needs its cape futzed. It looks way cooler with the cape under the shoulder pads. Still, out of the box i'd agree that the '89 Bats looks better, and certainly in better proportion, although a simple neck mod makes the DX02 much better too.

And damn you Lord for making me want a Jim Carey figure!