Super Freak
You know, it's so lifelike I was half expecting the head to turn around and start singing.
Here you go bruvas , just a little taster :O)
As far as staining, it's not just hats, I recently looked at the body of my T-800 that's been wearing the black shirt since day 1 and it's got tinting of black all over.
Adam's sculpt appears to be made almost specific to the "Wait'll they get a load of me" scene. Hence the shape of the mouth. It's nearly spot on to it.
It IS very specific to that scene actually, that's what Adam used as his reference pic.
Adam's Joker sculpts, Ledger and Nicholson, always seem to have a quality where they capture the moments where you see more of the actor than the character. Hard to describe, but Adam's Nicholson reminds me of scenes where you look at him and you're mind forgets you're watching Batman and just notices Jack Nicholson on screen, where Hot Toys captures more the moments where your mind almost forgets who's playing the Joker and you're just taking in this maniacal character. I get the same vibe from Adam's Ledger portraits, they always remind of moments in the movie where your mind pauses to think "oh I see Heath in there" where others tend to capture looks from the moments where you can't even tell who's beind all the makeup and stuff.
He's great with likeness, I can't think of anything he's done that hasn't looked clearly like who it's supposed to be, but it amazes me with these Jokers how some indefinable quality in the sculpts means such a difference in how you see it, and those same qualities in the films. Goes to show the power of makeup and prosthetics.
Hot Toy's is based on this(top left):
Yeah, forget it with those bodies -- my Bruce Lee sucked the black out of a top in just a few minutes wearing it.
That sounds really hot for some reason.
Neither is perfect, but I'll be keeping each of them.![]()
Couldn't agree more with everything you've said about these sculpts. Each are masterpieces in their own right and capture a specific moment of the character very, very well.
Nah, I don't buy it.
Best pose/pic yet Ace! I'm stealing this pose!