Super Freak
Tomorrow will be at home!!
Here ya go Mag
Adam's sculpt appears to be made almost specific to the "Wait'll they get a load of me" scene. Hence the shape of the mouth. It's nearly spot on to it.
It's a very nice sculpt and has almost as much detail as HT's save for the skin textureing and crow's feet. I can't wait to paint mine up and bash a Museum Joker with some HT clothes.
Adam's Joker sculpts, Ledger and Nicholson, always seem to have a quality where they capture the moments where you see more of the actor than the character. Hard to describe, but Adam's Nicholson reminds me of scenes where you look at him and you're mind forgets you're watching Batman and just notices Jack Nicholson on screen, where Hot Toys captures more the moments where your mind almost forgets who's playing the Joker and you're just taking in this maniacal character. I get the same vibe from Adam's Ledger portraits, they always remind of moments in the movie where your mind pauses to think "oh I see Heath in there" where others tend to capture looks from the moments where you can't even tell who's beind all the makeup and stuff.
I look at Adam's portrait and i think of Vikki's apartment, I look at Hot Toys' portrait and I think more the scene in Grissom's apartment.
Yes very true, I guess part of the reason is that he tends to sculpt the actor first and then modify it to make it into the character.
For example for the Heath Jokers he made sculpts of Ledger first without any scars or anything and using regular reference images. He added the scars and changed expressions later
It's a great sculpt, just think it's a bit too sinister though
I'd love to have witnessed the discussions with him about the portrait.