sorry but I must disagree luke and sith anakin with some little mod are amazing to diplaying...It’s true!!! I am looking at my 1/16 scale SW figures and wanting to sell them all. The only ones I want to keep are Darth Maul, Cody and ROTS Obi Wan.
ROTS Anakin and ROTJ Luke are not longer worthy of displaying.
He's great with likeness, I can't think of anything he's done that hasn't looked clearly like who it's supposed to be, but it amazes me with these Jokers how some indefinable quality in the sculpts means such a difference in how you see it, and those same qualities in the films. Goes to show the power of makeup and prosthetics.
Working on my fourth attempted upload of the video portion of our Hot Toys DX08 Joker review... Fingers crossed that it works! In the meantime, here are some preview pics of the review...
More coming soon!
@ the comparison. Sorry but some of you are so far up Adams ass if he yawned we'd see you.
I can PS that.
@ the comparison. Sorry but some of you are so far up Adams ass if he yawned we'd see you.
@ the comparison. Sorry but some of you are so far up Adams ass if he yawned we'd see you.
Speaking of that, was Wor-Gar would say, dynamite stick, I think there's a strong likelihood that leaving the hat on his head for a prolonged period will leave a purple stain on his face. I don't know how tight the hat is, but the beret that came with Barney Ross leaves a stain if left on too long, and it wouldn't shock me if someone put their Joker on display with the hat on, came back a few months later deciding to take it off an there were marks. as weird as his hatless hair is, I'll probably leave mine that way to be safe rather than stuck with hatted all the time.
KA-BOOOOOOOM!!! Big 'ol stick!
I've had the bootleg hat on my Joker for about 4 years now, so i'll have to check and see if that one stains, as I plan to replace my HT hat anyway.
What is it with HT and hats?
But I believe you are right. I think someone even mentioned that they had a slight purple smear on the forehead after even a short period...depending on the environment.
Quick fix: a little strip of tape on the inside brim
As far as staining, it's not just hats, I recently looked at the body of my T-800 that's been wearing the black shirt since day 1 and it's got tinting of black all over.
@ the comparison. Sorry but some of you are so far up Adams ass if he yawned we'd see you.
![]() you go bruvas , just a little taster :O)
Why was T-800 wearing Leonidas's red cape? Weird it would stain black.