Super Freak
You guys are right, i think i may buy her today. There are few UK sellers who state they still have stock to pre-order
question guys, not sure if it's one that has already been explored
I was toying with the idea of getting Coulson as i now intend to get all of the Avenges, in fact, there's only Widow who i need to put any money down on, and i was reluctant about her as i'm not the biggest fan of that figure
however, to have every avenger but widow would be silly
I also have Fury as i consider him the leader (not on the field, that's Cap!)
and then this left me pondering about Coulson, is he an avenger, should I have him with my Avenges team? I mean he's techincally dead now (or not, jeez, i dunno)
What are you guys thinkng, believe it or not the opinions of folks on this board may sway me one way or the other on this one
Later in the film, Stark is talking to Coulson about flying him to Geneva the reasons for which I could not make out.
But this is the Marvel Universe and no one ever truly dies forever in it.
Apart from Gwen Stacy
That poor ***** is a bag of bones now
No matter WHAT story they come with about Coulson still being alive, it will be poorly done and will make plotholes.
He died. Nick Fury was on his knees by him till his last breath went out of him.
This is just something they planned after the movie and it defeats his death. I love him as a character but it really defeats the purpose of his death in the first place.
But this is the Marvel Universe and no one ever truly dies forever in it.
Later in the film, Stark is talking to Coulson about flying him to Geneva the reasons for which I could not make out.
Oh trust me, they'll do some Marvel bullcrap magic and bring her back.
Coulson will be in the prequel S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show, but movie Coulson will stay dead. Joss loves killing off a beloved character.
Coulson will be in the prequel S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show, but movie Coulson will stay dead.
Says who? We already know that the TV show IS NOT a prequel.
Yay! Now ****ing cast Enver Gjokaj in a major role already. I have to think he doesn't want to act much. After Dollhouse I can't believe he didn't get a bunch of work.
I'm pretty sure they have officially stated the SHIELD show takes place after Avengers.
Yay! Now ****ing cast Enver Gjokaj in a major role already. I have to think he doesn't want to act much. After Dollhouse I can't believe he didn't get a bunch of work.
Coulson will be in the prequel S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show, but movie Coulson will stay dead. Joss loves killing off a beloved character.
How would they explain him being in Avengers Assemble?