To be more precise:
LeBron 16.6 ppg on 38.8% for the series so far
Danny Green 18.6 ppg on 63.3% for the series so far
The King's legacy is on the line, some people think he is already better than Duncan and Kobe.
I don't think Lebron will beat Jordan as the greatest ever even if he wins 5 more rings.
Aaron Michael @Gumby_3235m
#lebronismoreuselessthan Matt Bonners new balance shoes
Cam @GalacticThuggin38m
#LeBronIsMoreUselessThan Kobe warming up for tonight's game
NastyArmo @IMConnectedBro44m
#LeBronIsMoreUselessThan Chris Brown being against domestic violence
@NotBillWalton: #LeBronIsMoreUselessThan Derrick Rose"
Thirst McGurst @DaeQuawnn47m
#LeBronIsMoreUselessThan Chris bosh in room full of straight white girls
@NotBillWalton: #LeBronIsMoreUselessThan Derrick Rose"
After one game? MJ never had off nights?So after last nights game I'd say it's safe to put away any talk of LBJ being better then MJ.