Man of Steel (SPOILERS)

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A pay off shouldn't happen with in seconds of each other. I don't think it worked well at all. I don't mind that it happened, but it didn't really make me feel anything.

You need to plant the seed, and let it grow.

Thinking about the movie, it could have revolved around this as the whole plot...Superman wanting to connect with people from his own planet, but Zod coming in attack mode right away kind of destroyed that. Zod could have been more evil by trying to seduce Superman in to believing he wanted to help him and then try to kill him.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie. It was very entertaining.
A pay off shouldn't happen with in seconds of each other. I don't think it worked well at all. I don't mind that it happened, but it didn't really make me feel anything.

You need to plant the seed, and let it grow.

But how much is too much without insulting the audience's intelligence? Whether or not Superman is willing and able to take a life is a question inherent to a near all-powerful being. In a sense, it's growing from the second his power is established.

The way this film works out, the implicit question isn't made explicit until he is forced to make his decision. Everything you need to know about the man regarding the question then becomes real, and the scene did exactly that. You know he doesn't want to. You know Zod will give him no other choice, and you know he immediately recoils from it.
The destruction in metropolis could not have been prevented no matter what supes did. You guys really think if he flew off the zod from this movie would have chased him out of the city?? Zods goal wasn't just to make Kal kneel before him (like in supes 2), he was trying to destroy the ****ing planet and raise a new krypron. If supes would have left the scene hoping zod would chase him, zod would have proceeded with his plan and even more destruction would have occurred. The only fight in which he could have prevented damage to the city was the smallville fight since he actually flew zod into the middle of the city. He obviously let his anger get the best of him, but he was protecting his mother and just snapped.

Zod did need the codex so at some point he would have had to chase him down but he had already started the world machine and it was in the process of destroying the planet. He was going to wait until after the teraforming was done and the planet was destroyed to go after Kal, but kal intervened and ****ed up his plan by taking the fight to him.
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I wonder what Landis would have thought about this if it had happened. He'd be fine with it, right?

I think Landis is just upset that Cavill probably turned him down for a date. :lol

Him saying Superman's look is irrelevant is like me saying I want a fat Wonder Woman. :lol
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I'm not gonna buy the argument that the douche in that video hates the movie because he's a huge Superman fan. Literally, the 2 biggest Superman fans I know (including one who goes to Superman Celebration in Metropolis, IL every year and has 2 full rooms of Superman stuff) love the movie.

This guy doesn't hate the movie because he loves the character so much... he hates it because he's viewing it with his own subjective cynicisms. His opinion doesn't validate anything other than he has an opinion. There are plenty of huge Superman fanatics who like this movie. I'd dare say many, many more than those who don't.

So, I've been reading this thread for days and days since the movie came out. It's been awesome. Specifically, IrishJedi's posts have given me a lot of justification in what I had assumed when I watched the film.

Never posted before, but wanted to just throw my support in there as well. HUUUGGGGEEE Superman fan. Been a massive Superman fan for 20 years since I started reading the comic books when I was 10. Grew up in a conservative Christian household and mom and dad didn't trust most other comics except for Superman cause they knew him and knew he was "good". That alone made an impact on me and he became my favorite and I started reading all the Superman I could. I've been through every era of the comics, I've loved them all and have a very very deep connection with the character...

...and MAN OF STEEL was the best Superman movie I have ever seen. It was almost perfect. I got to see it a week early in Chicago, and I left the theater on a massive high. It was funny that the things people are complaining about didn't even register to me. The first things I said when I started reading those complaints were that they clearly weren't getting the "trial-by-fire" attempt that was being made by Snyder and Goyer here. It's the only way to truly introduce Superman to a new generation. You have to show him making some mistakes so that when he DOES become the Superman we know and love, it has some damn WEIGHT to it. You can't just put Superman out there and tell everyone he's a big blue boy scout "just because he is". You have to SHOW IT. You have to give it meaning. This film (and hopefully the sequels as well) did that.

The only issue I really had with the film is the final ending scene, and it's because I think it's the main source of confusion. I think if Snyder had shown some fallout from the previous scenes it would have made a massive difference for people. But because it goes from "Cry of shame" to "Smiles and first day on the job" it threw people off. I had assumed what IrishJedi said about them wanting to make sure the film ended on a happy beat, and that makes sense, but some kind of coda that would have allowed people to know that there was meaning in the previous stuff would have probably made a massive difference with some of the critics of the film.

Anyway, been stalking here for quite awhile and wanted to speak up and throw my support out there for the movie. I've seen it 3 times thus far and am currently reading the novelization (which really massively lays out a ton of characterization that the film doesn't!) And also wanted to give a MASSIVE, HUMONGOUS THANKS to IrishJedi for divulging the information he has and being so incredible here.
Cavill a fan of Marvel's method:

Henry Cavill Throws Kryptonite at 'Justice League'

Man of Steel was the start of Warner Bros. and DC Comics trying to build a Marvel-like movie empire, and a movie of the Justice League has always seemed to be one of the goals. But Henry Cavill, the British hunk and apparent World of Warcraft fan who plays Superman, wants his overlords to take it slow.

Henry Cavill's Career Is Going Way Better Than the Last Superman's Ever Did
In an interview with ABC News, picked up by Entertainment Weekly, Cavill explained his concerns with the Justice League. "It’s a very tough one to do because the DC comic heroes are all god-like in their power," he said. "So in this real world universe, real-world setting we’re telling our story in, it’s going to be tough to achieve that. It has to be done very delicately with a lot of thought." He continued: "So, it won’t be right away. I hope it’s not, anyway. It may take some time of building up other movies and other characters and introducing them together in one way or another."

But his hopes may be for naught. Even before Man of Steel was officially released the studio fast-tracked plans for a sequel, and The Wall Street Journal cited "knowledgable people" who said that could be released "as soon as" 2014, setting up a Justice League movie for 2015. (Though that report was met with much scrutiny.) And while Cavill seems to have the right idea, writer David S. Goyer said he thinks DC and Warner Bros. are interested in reversing Marvel's formula. Before embarking on The Avengers, which became the third-highest grossing movie of all time, Marvel introduced the various members of that superhero coalition in standalone films. "I think in some ways they’re interested in going perhaps the opposite direction that Marvel has done which may be to do a group film and then spin off," Goyer told Empire via The Playlist. Man of Steel was set up so that various DC characters could exist in the world. Various Easter Eggs in the film revealed connections to other heroes. (Note: Wayne Enterprises.)
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So, I've been reading this thread for days and days since the movie came out. It's been awesome. Specifically, IrishJedi's posts have given me a lot of justification in what I had assumed when I watched the film.

Never posted before, but wanted to just throw my support in there as well. HUUUGGGGEEE Superman fan. Been a massive Superman fan for 20 years since I started reading the comic books when I was 10. Grew up in a conservative Christian household and mom and dad didn't trust most other comics except for Superman cause they knew him and knew he was "good". That alone made an impact on me and he became my favorite and I started reading all the Superman I could. I've been through every era of the comics, I've loved them all and have a very very deep connection with the character...

...and MAN OF STEEL was the best Superman movie I have ever seen. It was almost perfect. I got to see it a week early in Chicago, and I left the theater on a massive high. It was funny that the things people are complaining about didn't even register to me. The first things I said when I started reading those complaints were that they clearly weren't getting the "trial-by-fire" attempt that was being made by Snyder and Goyer here. It's the only way to truly introduce Superman to a new generation. You have to show him making some mistakes so that when he DOES become the Superman we know and love, it has some damn WEIGHT to it. You can't just put Superman out there and tell everyone he's a big blue boy scout "just because he is". You have to SHOW IT. You have to give it meaning. This film (and hopefully the sequels as well) did that.

The only issue I really had with the film is the final ending scene, and it's because I think it's the main source of confusion. I think if Snyder had shown some fallout from the previous scenes it would have made a massive difference for people. But because it goes from "Cry of shame" to "Smiles and first day on the job" it threw people off. I had assumed what IrishJedi said about them wanting to make sure the film ended on a happy beat, and that makes sense, but some kind of coda that would have allowed people to know that there was meaning in the previous stuff would have probably made a massive difference with some of the critics of the film.

Anyway, been stalking here for quite awhile and wanted to speak up and throw my support out there for the movie. I've seen it 3 times thus far and am currently reading the novelization (which really massively lays out a ton of characterization that the film doesn't!) And also wanted to give a MASSIVE, HUMONGOUS THANKS to IrishJedi for divulging the information he has and being so incredible here.

:goodpost: and Welcome to the boards.
:goodpost: and Welcome to the boards.


I was going to add, as well, that that whole Max Landis thing. Shouldn't really give him a second thought cause the internet seems to be against him. I saw it posted on a couple other sites and people keep talking about how pretentious and cocky he seems with it and I think it's blowing up in his face. One guy even said he has a friend in LA who knows him and says he's just generally cocky like that all the time.

What's more is that, I think it's very important to realize that the complaints and the critics are VERY MUCH a vocal minority. I can see how Max saw some criticism and it seemed like people were going against this film, but the truth is the opposite. People LOVE this movie. A- on Cinemascore, 82% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes, 8/10 on IMDB. I keep reading good review after good review. And when I expected a bunch of people to join his bandwagon when that Landis video started getting posted around, what I found instead was a ton of people blasting him and defending the movie.

Once again, the internet succeeds in creating a false sense of popularity around this. The minority are more vocal than the majority. I'm a filmmaker and have a lot of critic friends on Facebook. It's been rather frustrating seeing their constant jabs at the movies, but one of my critic friends did an article where he went to a movie theater to talk to people leaving the movie to get their opinion, expecting it to be bad because, clearly, everybody listens to critics! :wink1: Instead, he found people loved it. Coming out saying how awesome it was. More than anything, I keep hearing more and more non-Superman fans talking about how much they loved it. This film succeeded most importantly there: it made people who don't like Superman actually like Superman. The fact is, you can't please a lot of Superman fans because there's 75 years of baggage there. But if you succeed in introducing him to a new generation in a new way, we should all be grateful because that allows him to continue to live on and evolve even more.

Ok, enough with my soapboxing. Apologies for the uncontrolled word-vomit.
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What difference does it make who's Superman? I think his point was, he doesn't need to be someone "hawt" or anything. Just a normal looking guy. And Cusack, back then, is a pretty average looking fellow.

I'm still not getting the upset here. I've seen 10 comments that say just that. He's not casting it. He's not advocating it. He's just making a point because he's a fan. Just like you guys do the same.

You're not right. He's not right. No one's right.



Which didn't stop him from crying over Superman.


People are mad about it. I'm not defending it, i'm just telling you the truth. It's the same thing people did for The Mandarin.

Hell no!! The Mandarin thing was just plain stupidity from the writers... In this case, you can see how it's a big ISSUE for Supes... he is really troubled by what he had to do... but he knew deep down it was bigger than him as Pa Kent said...

My problem with him killing Zod is, it wasn't a pay off, and that scene should've been a pay off. Something should've happend that would've caused Clark to say "I will not kill!" and then he is forced to kill. That's real drama.

TDK did that same plot, and aside from iffy editing, it worked. The Joker wanted to push Batman to kill someone. He drove Harvey into being a monster, and Batman had no other way around it. That was the pay off. Pay offs in film and stories are incredibly important, and honestly, not a lot of films today use them. Which is quite strange. Not every story needs it, of course. But it's always nice.

Expecting him killing Zod to be a pay-off is messed up... the pay-off in the movie is him becoming a hero... not killing a lunatic...

I'm not gonna buy the argument that the douche in that video hates the movie because he's a huge Superman fan. Literally, the 2 biggest Superman fans I know (including one who goes to Superman Celebration in Metropolis, IL every year and has 2 full rooms of Superman stuff) love the movie.

This guy doesn't hate the movie because he loves the character so much... he hates it because he's viewing it with his own subjective cynicisms. His opinion doesn't validate anything other than he has an opinion. There are plenty of huge Superman fanatics who like this movie. I'd dare say many, many more than those who don't.
