Robocop (2014)

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First trailer looked somewhat decent. Second trailer was embarrassingly bad. As much as I do love Keaton, Oldman, and Haley - I'm out. The suit isn't growing on me, either. I actually think it looks worse the more I see of it.
That must've hurt to type. :lol :pfft:

I can always count on you to recycle a four year old joke, Nam. :lol

Not sure I see what's ''embarrassingly bad'' with the second trailer as opposed to the first.

I'm not too sure. This is purely from my own perspective, but the first trailer seemed to focus a tad more on characters what little human drama this film may offer. Murphy coping with his new body, his wife reaching out to him, seeing his son post-accident, and Oldman's character had some nice lines regarding Robo's human condition prevailing over his programing. Trailer 2 was showcasing little more than a whole bunch of awful cgi action, edited together so rapidly it made my head hurt.
OMFG!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! WTF!!! Saw trailer! Wtf!!! 3rd degree burns, Robotic Bane Voice, what have they done... T-T

One of my favorite characters made into a mockery by idiots!
shatner wrapped in aluminum foil would be better than this........:monkey4
I haven't kept up on this, but I saw the trailer before Thor tonight. I see that they say they need "stealth" Robocop? Really? But in some flashes of scenes he looks almost like the 80s Robocop, so are there 2 models? Or do they just change him in the movie?
The one that looks like the original is the first version of the suit. The black version is the main/updated/revamped outfit you'll be seeing through the majority of the film.
The one that looks like the original is the first version of the suit. The black version is the main/updated/revamped outfit you'll be seeing through the majority of the film.


Thanks for the info, was really hoping it would be the other way around.
WOw thats really harsh on padhila.
The guy has clearly a vision for HIS Robocop.
Just see ELITE SQUAD 1 and 2 you will realize that he do not shy from violence nor politics.
He had to deal with a studio who giving him notes after notes.
Now the trailer had been made to appeal a certain audience but it doesnt mean that the tone of the movie.
Also i dont see the point of whining because the movie is not like the original, whats the point you wanna see the same film again just upgraded?
Just watch the original it is here to stay.
Now it dont mean the movie will be any good, probably not, but seeing the talents attached to the project well we can have a surprise.
A decent actioner with some comments on the whole drone thing and deshumanization of police forces (wich was one of the themes of Padhila previous movies).

Now i just ****in hate the jumping around ninja **** and the black suit, the silver was neat and they should have kept it for the whole movie.
Padilha has talent no doubt but these robo trailers look really bad. Seems that studio has indeed cut off his *****.

Just see ELITE SQUAD 1 and 2 you will realize that he do not shy from violence nor politics.

Secrets of the tribe
documentary is also great, shows the range that this guy can pull off.
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