I wish they took the Trunks approach by releasing Goku with the various Super Saiyan hairstyles as well as normal hair. What are the chances of them making a SSj2 Goku figure?
Next to zero

especially since they keep reissuing SSj Goku.
Personally, I think a SSj2 Goku could benefit everyone if done right.
SSj2 Goku Benefits
> A balanced color scheme that marries SDCC with first release SSj Goku.
> serves as a vehicle to give us extra accessories for both SSj and SSj 3 Goku
> Smile face for SSj, looking to the side face for SSj, clenched teeth face for SSj, Forward yelling face for SSj 3 (maybe?)
> Effect pieces that could be use for any figuarts, like electricity, or a Kamehameha etc.
> extra hands that the normal Goku has, but SSj does not.
> interchangeable belt (swap out the sash for a belt, really a accessory for SSj)
> fusion dance pointing fingers
> uhhh....a halo?
For these reasons I think it would be great to get a SSj2 Goku, and it only works because of the uniqueness of this case (the original SSj Goku being so light on accessories)