Premium Format Iron Man Mark 42 1/4 Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles & Legacy Effects

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The Blueberry Freak
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Mar 5, 2012
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Iron Man-Mark 42-1/4 scale Maquette from Legacy Effects

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Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Quarter Scale Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles

It was till the merge.:lol
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Quarter Scale Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles

WELL looky here...

Looks to be the same sculpt we saw above
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Quarter Scale Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles

Wasn't there a full pictured this statue? Can't find it anywhere and I would like to see it again.
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Quarter Scale Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles

Damn nearly crapped myself thinking a reveal was coming up.

Still buying it. I've noticed that most "badly posed" statues tend to look fine in person, such as the Morgul Lord.
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Quarter Scale Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles

The pose will probably work well is displayed next to Warmachine
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Quarter Scale Maquette by Sideshow Collectibles

The pose will probably work well is displayed next to Warmachine

:exactly: yea, these will all have similar style bases (similar to that of the SW mythos line) so displayed altogether would definitely be the way to go :)