Man oh man have I missed a lot! I've been so damn busy that I've been completely off the grid since Thursday. I had just 5 minutes to log in on Saturday. Lots of catching up to do and this is the perfect thread to start with.
Awesome pics from everyone all around!! I picked up Billy-boy form the PO this morning and I wanted to catch up on this thread before I unboxed. Looks unreal!! Off too see for myself!....
My man.... if YOU don't know what you're doing... then nobody here does.
PM incoming you fkin' rock star!!!
Ooooffff my aching heart! Glad to hear that it's all fixable issues. I've learned the hard way a few times; it's best to lay off these when you're too tired or rushed and impatient or whatever else. I try to dig in fully and thoroughly when I have enough time to dedicate and am bright eyed & bushy tailed enough to be patient. It's the best way to avoid disasters
That is absolutely the right thing to do!
Hazzah Mike is back!!! Bro shizzle we missed you, I cried myself too sleep 3 days straight! Get that Bill opened and let's hear your review, your New York no ******** critique!