That's good to hear that KA is replacing them.
Any USA buyers with this same issue??? Perhaps they did not treat the metal properly?
Any USA buyers with this same issue??? Perhaps they did not treat the metal properly?
Geez, neither KA or eFx can get shields out that aren't a mess.
Over the weekend, I got the chance to see a classic pedestal shield out of it's box.
The finish on it was not good, especially in the silver areas where there looked to be residue areas
in the final coat. Not along the lines of the dark splotches that are just being posted, but almost
like dried super glue. The finish was somewhat smooth, but something was visibly off.
I got to see the back straps, which looked ok... still prefer the efx straps (even if the bolts come undone).
The pedestal was nice, just wish it did not have the plaque. I think that stems more from my pet peeve with plaques.
I hat Hot Toys name/logo plates on everything, as I know who the figure is... don't need it in print on the bases, lol.
Which is why I like the efx plaques, since they can be displayed or put back in the box.
Overall, I don't think the King Arts shield is a $900.00 shield. Is it worth $700.00 (original BBTS price)?
If the finishing were without flaws, then I would say definitely yes. As it is... probably closer to $600.
All in the eyes of the beholder, I guess.
I ended up sticking with the efx shield as the display piece, and I am happy with it. It has it's faults too,
don't get me wrong... but the authenticity of it gives it the final edge, in my book.
That's why I'm so happy with my Lager!!!![]()
I don't see any smears or overspray in person. It's an illusion in the pic.
Yeah, those were the exact same streaks in the one I saw in person... lots of it in all of the silver and red areas.
I am guessing that is standard for all of them, though.
So would the sandpaper take care of that? Or would it start to remove the red paint?
Hey man thanks for the mini review and it stinks your finish Is not to your liking. The plaque is VERY easily removed. Just heat it with a hair dryer and it will fall off, its a really easy fix.
Your comment on the shield being in the eye of the beholder is spot on. Right or wrong I think the KA is getting viewed with a much harsher lens because of the price. What you need to consider is the retail price of $400 for this item. Shipping, popularity and vendor markups are pushing this shield well over $900.
Working with metal and especially curved metal there are going to be imperfections at this price range. We are not buying cars, they are prop replica shields. So while yes the paint overspray and the run on the sealant sucks it is still a fantastic product with the stand and the quality of the metal shield. A light sanding on the silver will take out those marks, so if you are that bothered by it. Get some 1000 grit sandpaper and smooth it out and make the silver really pop. A recoat of poly spray and the problem is gone. (Same deal as with spraying the Hot Toys Cap shields)
Once you get over the initial shock the shield is not perfect in hand you will realize it is the best mass produced shield out there right now. Yes there will be more shields by other companies made, but just like 1/6 figures it is a process and as technology and process improves the quality will as well. These shields are setting the bar for shields to start at $900 and mark up to $1,300. I cannot imagine the bitching level at that range.
The best advice I can give to someone looking for a shield is to have reasonable expectations if not paying for custom shields starting at $900 dollars. You are taking the risk and paying a premium well over retail to acquire this for well above was what the original price at $400. More importantly setting you up for disappointment if you are expecting perfection. Even with the paint issues the shield is gorgeous.
As Dino states above the shield is worth it at $600, which is still above the retail, so there is some additional inherent value to the quality of the shield for him.