(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, but it's just stuff. :)

Which was what I felt this Celebration. There was tons of stuff, but not a lot of must have stuff. I had fun going around with my friends. I found some vintage pieces that I will always remember I found with Flosi and Joseph or a print or patch I came across with John.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I should bought Jerrys print to flip.

It's a beautiful print... I shipped it and the Vader helmet and both should be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed the arrive w/o any damage :pray:

Which was what I felt this Celebration. There was tons of stuff, but not a lot of must have stuff. I had fun going around with my friends. I found some vintage pieces that I will always remember I found with Flosi and Joseph or a print or patch I came across with John.

Yeah, I only picked up a few small things... but the actual walking around and looking at stuff was much more fun. And, those photo ops were one of the highlights :rock :rock :rock
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah I think they just got dyslexic for a min and out in 31 vs 13. I thought it was like $13. I hope my CC company takes care of it but since I don't have the receipt I might be screwed but if that happens I will blast the truck on every place I can.

Do you know which truck it was?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

When you fill out your surveys
Please add a suggestion for a race/run
Would love to have an official celebration medal
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You'll always be magical jay to me. :lol
I'm surprised Commander Cody wasn't already taken.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

God, it was gorgeous.


I have Tears for Alderann and it is so worth the price. It's not that much. I almost went after his Star Wars Buns Leia at the show but I held back.

I have Alderaan too. The other one looks badass. I'd love to round out the hero cast from the first film.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I am in no rush. I have a wall waiting for it, but no frame to speak of.

Thank you for being the man. :duff

And thank you jjj for being the man too. :rock
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Reported for antisemitism :lecture.

Now ain't that the pot calling the kettle brown!
What does Darkness sound like?

Darkness sounds like the king of darkness.

He sounds kinda like John Leguizamo.

This lol!
Yeah, its like a mix of John Leguizamo and Carrot Top.
I'm settling back into life and missing everyone still. Finally caught up with the very few threads I follow here. Opened a C8 thread for the rumored Orlando 2017 Celebration. Come join us. I suppose I'll be buying that R5 that Sideshow showed. Had more fun than I can express at the show, and that was 99% due to the wonderful amazing group we have here. I'll work on my photos and post this weekend. Looking at them, it's all freak photos and almost no other stuff! They really show what's important to me at the convention. You guys and gals.

Damn, now I've got myself down again. And sadly, I'll be home alone from Friday to Monday. :(

Most of my stories are about you freaks. Getting together and just hanging out was the best.
Plus it helps that you guys are freakin funny. Love that even though our backgrounds are all different we have an immediate bond of friendship.

I miss you all I think I have PCS, Post Celebration Sadness.

I have very few pics. I took one or two of the few things I want to remember to get.

But my pics are of me and my friends. That is all that really mattered to me this trip.

It was the best time and having us all so close made it so much better. :grouphug:

Missing you guys.... I feel like I have brothers all over the country. :)

Yeah man, I wouldn't have even went to this celebration had it not been for you all going. That was the main reason I planned the trip, having star wars stuff around was just a bonus!

I miss everybody. Wish I had more freaks time this time. :(
next celebration for sure!
Yeah, C7 was fun but meeting everyone I've talked to for years, some almost a decade, was the definite highlight!!

I'm thinking I need to go visit my best friend, a non freak, who lives is NYC. I'd prolly be far more motivated to do that if I could do a side trip to see the Jersey freaks. If you guys could commit to a date, I know that's nigh impossible with everyone's schedules. I'm just missing you guys a lot and throwing things out there.

I believe these people have planned to come visit Vegas this year...
Triple J
King Darkness! :horror
Vegas!?!?! :panic: I'm so there.
Looks like I picked the wrong time to get back into 1/6 - all signs pointing towards my department being eliminated. :panic:

We are financially stable but with the summer coming up, my wife's income dries up for 2 months.

Anybody need SSC Hothies before I throw them to the rabble? Going to be unloading some stuff for the "just in case" fund.
That sucks, Tom. :(

Hope things work out for the best for you!
I should bought Jerrys print to flip.
Is it flipping at a high price?
God, it was gorgeous.
Hell yes it is! And talking to Jerry was freaking awesome, and getting to watch him paint was pretty amazing.
Check out the name!! Bye bye themlgcjfhjgcvchjay
Thank god! Long live Commander Cody :rock :rock :rock
JJJ, Cody, Devil... I got your crap to ship, been crazy busy. I will get it done soon though.
You can just send there junk to me :)
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Dangerously close to ordering Hoth Han with the $20 April coupon :panic:

Got to see it unboxed at C7, looks really good in person.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Dangerously close to ordering Hoth Han with the $20 April coupon :panic:

Got to see it unboxed at C7, looks really good in person.

It's a really cool figure. I love mine. My friend said it looks stupid, though.