(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ken - I'm surprised Dad and I got tickets to be honest. Dad has told me this is his last one and so it may well be mine. After this year I don't know what my con going future holds other than going to the one here in KC.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ken - I'm surprised Dad and I got tickets to be honest. Dad has told me this is his last one and so it may well be mine. After this year I don't know what my con going future holds other than going to the one here in KC.

Celebration! We wont judge you for dressing up in LOTR!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I will. Ill also make fun of you all week.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It is a lot to ask.

I wish I could go Hulk. Love having a kid threaten to beat my ass three times in the same day. :lol Not worried just annoyed.

I couldn't handle that. I get a dirty look from a kid in a group at a mall or something, and I'm not only immediately wondering how many of them I could take at once, but also kinda hoping for a chance to find out. It's mostly a hold over from having had so many friends who fell victim to assaults from groups of punks back in the day. The rest is knowing how much worse they are now. Of course, it could be I'm justifying age related meanness.

I don't think so. I'm not that mean. I applaud your sense of dignity at not letting them get that far under your skin.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Steve. ...did you buy smaug ?
Have you seen this piece in person?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Celebration! We wont judge you for dressing up in LOTR!

I would have a lot of Middle-earth shirts to wear and 1 SW. :lol Celebration is something I am quite interested in checking out. My issue is taking that many days off during the school year at one time.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I will. Ill also make fun of you all week.

Oh alright. :lol

I couldn't handle that. I get a dirty look from a kid in a group at a mall or something, and I'm not only immediately wondering how many of them I could take at once, but also kinda hoping for a chance to find out. It's mostly a hold over from having had so many friends who fell victim to assaults from groups of punks back in the day. The rest is knowing how much worse they are now. Of course, it could be I'm justifying age related meanness.

I don't think so. I'm not that mean. I applaud your sense of dignity at not letting them get that far under your skin.

It at times really is irritating. He's doing it to get me to do something. I will defend mysel if I have to and I told him crap or get off the pot if he's going to keep making threats. So I won't let them get to me to make the first move. As a whole I 9/10 just blow it off and tell them to sit down.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It at times really is irritating. He's doing it to get me to do something. I will defend mysel if I have to and I told him crap or get off the pot if he's going to keep making threats. So I won't let them get to me to make the first move. As a whole I 9/10 just blow it off and tell them to sit down.

You need to get yourself some glasses and a newspaper.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ken - I'm surprised Dad and I got tickets to be honest. Dad has told me this is his last one and so it may well be mine. After this year I don't know what my con going future holds other than going to the one here in KC.
I don't blame him. As fun as SDCC is, it has become a zoo. You basically have to camp out for one room (Hall H or Ballroom 20) and pretty much stay there all day, if you want to see multiple panels. As for the exhibit hall, there's lines for everything. Still fun, of course, but just not the way it used to be...

you would do this in his normal clothes. So he can't win. do the MATH.
(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I didn't get the pins, the Japanese shirt for my mom, or The Force Awakens shirt for me. I was only able to get a Max Rebo plush for my mom at the Celebration store. Didn't even get one Star Tot either. :(

Send me your address again. I'll send you my Bespin Luke Tot as well as the Rosalina Amiibo I still have sitting around.

Looks like I picked the wrong time to get back into 1/6 - all signs pointing towards my department being eliminated. :panic:

We are financially stable but with the summer coming up, my wife's income dries up for 2 months.

Anybody need SSC Hothies before I throw them to the rabble? Going to be unloading some stuff for the "just in case" fund.

Dude, really? I hope that isn't the case. Good luck, brother.

I didn't hit any of the trucks.

Best pizza I had was at that Pizza Press place we all went to that one night.

I passed on Jerry as I'm really searching for his New Hope print from a few years ago and would rather a collector that really wanted it to get i.

Pizza Press was awesome. We had Dominos at work last night and it bummed me out. I wanted to go back there one more time before we left.

Check out the name!! Bye bye themlgcjfhjgcvchjay

Congrats! But you still always be magical to us. :lol
(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Celebration was my first multi-day Con. Usually I'll do the Friday of NYCC and end up walking the floor all day as not to miss anything. I stupidly used this mentality at Celebration most of the weekend and wasted too much time. I should've been in panels or lines for signings with you guys. That leads to my other stupid move, spending too much time alone while there. I've always had a really bad habit of separating myself from people. "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel." And as much I tried to break that habit, it got the better of me again. So I sincerely apologize if it seemed like I was ditching anyone or if I just didn't seem around. I should've spent more time making memories with you guys.

Edit: That being said, I had a great ****ing time overall. The parties/dinners were off the hook and will forever be some of the greatest times I've spent with anyone. Thank you!
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I don't blame him. As fun as SDCC is, it has become a zoo. You basically have to camp out for one room (Hall H or Ballroom 20) and pretty much stay there all day, if you want to see multiple panels. As for the exhibit hall, there's lines for everything. Still fun, of course, but just not the way it used to be...

All that plays a part. His health does as well. So it's a mixed bag of things for him. We've had a good ride though so I'm glad to get one more time with him. That's why I avoid those two rooms. I'd rather walk around and maybe catch a panel or two in smaller rooms. There is a line for everything. That's for damn sure. I will say I love the madness though even if it is crazier than when I started. This will be the first time in a long time that I haven't had an exhibitors badge. So no getting in early for me.

You need to get yourself some glasses and a newspaper.


I actually have the glasses I just wear my contacts instead. Just gotta get that newspaper and we're set. :lol
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Celebration was my first multi-day Con. Usually I'll do the Friday of NYCC and end up walking the floor all day as not to miss anything. I stupidly used this mentality at Celebration most of the weekend and wasted too much time. I should've been in panels or lines for signings with you guys. That leads to my other stupid move, spending too much time alone while there. I've always had a really bad habit of separating myself from people. "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel." And as much I tried to break that habit, it got the better of me again. So I sincerely apologize if it seemed like I was ditching anyone or if I just didn't seem around. I should've spent more time making memories with you guys.

I think the first time we all go to cons for more than one day we find a laundry list of things to do better the next time. I know I did when I went to sdcc the first time. It's why I list out on my phone what I want to do before I get there. A battle plan of sorts. I'm like you in that I do enjoy just walking around by myself seeing things. I'll hang with folks while at sdcc but I do eventually break away and roam alone.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Do you know which truck it was?
Yeah the first one on the right its the dude from chopped. I have disputed it with my CC and it shows the name on the charge.
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Celebration was my first multi-day Con. Usually I'll do the Friday of NYCC and end up walking the floor all day as not to miss anything. I stupidly used this mentality at Celebration most of the weekend and wasted too much time. I should've been in panels or lines for signings with you guys. That leads to my other stupid move, spending too much time alone while there. I've always had a really bad habit of separating myself from people. "I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel." And as much I tried to break that habit, it got the better of me again. So I sincerely apologize if it seemed like I was ditching anyone or if I just didn't seem around. I should've spent more time making memories with you guys.

Edit: That being said, I had a great ****ing time overall. The parties/dinners were off the hook and will forever be some of the greatest times I've spent with anyone. Thank you!

I didn't see you much at the con but had a great time drinking with you Saturday night at the condo :lol