(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Shirt of the Day ! LOL.

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Shirt of the Day ! LOL.


Brilliant! :rotfl

Yeah, seeing X-Wing Luke in person was pretty sick, but knowing it will probably be a big step down in production is a bummer. That figure is ****ing amazing! At least the separate eye system won't be involved. According to Mat Bischoff, the separate eye system will not be used on Luke.

That's fantastic news! The Hoth figures didn't come out as bad as I feared, and certainly not as bad as the earlier released weird eye figures like Drake and Snake, but there is definitely some room for improvement. But all things considered I'd rather they just let it go and spend the time trying to get an all in one head sculpt to the HT levels.


He said Sideshow hasn't abandoned the separate eye thing, but are looking for a different factory who can do better with production. So it could be back in later figures :dunno

Dammit! :mad: Just drop it already, Sideshow!
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ask GB about this. The badge didn't seem to help in the store at all... :(
They were able to shop at 9:30am. Just gotta be quick though. Grab stuff and run to the checkout line FAST!

Give it a few weeks those prices will drop. Plus I wouldn't be shocked if they made more to sell online in the next few weeks.
I agree on both counts! :lecture

Yeah that is nuts ! I am a little sad I missed it but not $130 sad.
But not to the corny parties we told you to not bother with ! :thwak
I agree on both counts! :lecture

I am hoping if anyone goes to C2E2 they can keep an eye out for one for me :pray:
I already told Punk to check Reed Supply Co. for leftover Celebration stuff. I really really hope they found cases in the back of TFA shirts at least... Punk, do not fail us!!! I'm not going til Saturday. Any leftovers would be gone by then... I'm not sure if gibby is going to C2E2, or just joining us for dinner...

Sounds like it was a good time. I am going to the next one in Orlando. No excuses this time.
Orlando's convention center was more spread out. I liked the configuration in Anaheim. More hotels were closer, too. And of course, no humidity. But, the crowds were bigger in Anaheim, which may have been due to the location. I don't mind going back to Orlando, but it wouldn't surprise me if the next Orlando show sucks and we say "Man, I hope it goes back to Anaheim next time!"

Today's Tee Fury shirt is right up Kenben's alley. I bet he doesn't see this post until tomorrow. :lol

Ye of little faith! Ordering shortly...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I already told Punk to check Reed Supply Co. for leftover Celebration stuff. I really really hope they found cases in the back of TFA shirts at least... Punk, do not fail us!!! I'm not going til Saturday. Any leftovers would be gone by then... I'm not sure if gibby is going to C2E2, or just joining us for dinner...

You don't get to tell me to do anything.... I'll grab a shirt for you if they have them... cost is $110 each. :D
I don't even know where the C2E2 store would be... I've never shopped there for con shirts, posters, etc. I'll check if I'm near it... but have a few early morning things to grab that are very limited so no promises. I'll text you both if they have anything.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Both of those shirts are cool. That Gandalf one [emoji38]
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I really enjoy Arrow. But Daredevil is at the top of my list right now. Holy crap it is awesome.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Omg!!!!! Luke and leia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh!!! :panic:

Finally!!! I have been wanting a new farm boy Luke, and was even telling galactiboy that the other day. Leia is just as deserving, and the icing on the cake for me.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, snap! Now I can have my ANH shelf represented by mostly HT figures. Sideshow's R2 and 3PO will work for now. :rock

I will be keeping my Sideshow Obi-Wan and Vader, though. My customized gb Obi-Wan can pair off with my customized Flosi Vader.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You don't get to tell me to do anything.... I'll grab a shirt for you if they have them... cost is $110 each. :D
I don't even know where the C2E2 store would be... I've never shopped there for con shirts, posters, etc. I'll check if I'm near it... but have a few early morning things to grab that are very limited so no promises. I'll text you both if they have anything.

Thanks bro. If they have a 3XL for $30 or less just get it for me. No need to call.

I think I am going to Wizard World Chicago in August to meet Stephen Amell.

Or join me in NYCC :1-1:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, snap! Now I can have my ANH shelf represented by mostly HT figures. Sideshow's R2 and 3PO will work for now. :rock

I will be keeping my Sideshow Obi-Wan and Vader, though. My customized gb Obi-Wan can pair off with my customized Flosi Vader.

I think I will be doing the exact same thing !
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

You don't get to tell me to do anything.... I'll grab a shirt for you if they have them... cost is $110 each. :D
I don't even know where the C2E2 store would be... I've never shopped there for con shirts, posters, etc. I'll check if I'm near it... but have a few early morning things to grab that are very limited so no promises. I'll text you both if they have anything.
Told, asked, begged, all the same to me! :lol
The Reed Supply store was actually right in front by the hall entrance, where we turned in the Rebels scavenger hunt cards. It wasn't in the exhibit hall. So you could potentially buy stuff early, before the exhibit hall even opens... :)

If they have SW Celebration TFA shirts, just buy it. XXL preferred, otherwise XL if they don't have XXL.

I think I am going to Wizard World Chicago in August to meet Stephen Amell.
I don't plan on going to WWC, but if I do, I'll let you know so we can meet up... I try to boycott WW cuz they are expensive, and don't put on as good of a show as C2E2. But sometimes the guest lineup sucks me in...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, snap! Now I can have my ANH shelf represented by mostly HT figures. Sideshow's R2 and 3PO will work for now. :rock

I will be keeping my Sideshow Obi-Wan and Vader, though. My customized gb Obi-Wan can pair off with my customized Flosi Vader.

Flosi Vader??!?

Flosi Vader.jpg
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh, snap! Now I can have my ANH shelf represented by mostly HT figures. Sideshow's R2 and 3PO will work for now. :rock

I will be keeping my Sideshow Obi-Wan and Vader, though. My customized gb Obi-Wan can pair off with my customized Flosi Vader.
I'm gonna have a Sideshow bonfire and toss all my ANH figures in there. You should all come over and we'll make a night of it :rock