It's not even finalized yet
That's part of the problem. Things do change from proto to final, true of any product in any industry, but no industry matches the frequency of "it's not even finalized yet" like the statue world.
In most cases for other industries before an item is available for sale or preorder you see changes in design/features but by the time you get to the sale/pre order period you've already seen what's intended to be the final product, but it's like the statue world doesn't even care, the PO just goes up, a line about "pending approval" or "prototype shown" or "subject to change" is shown as a cop out, and when changes are made, complaints happen...and one can complain about people complaining all one wants, they're valid complaints, as a person
usually likes what they PO'd and committed to, only for that to change, obviously they feel let down and need to vent.
Funny thing is, the changes many forum members ask for are the changes that get ignored, while the things nobody wants to change are usually what gets altered.
I know that's just the way this, but that's also why these situations continue to be problems for collectors. Companies need to wait for POs until they have what they know to be final...and yeah, things can still change after that, but these types of issues would happen less often.
PS, this isn't a complaint, it's an observation and commentary
