Just got New 52 Volume 1 of the following: Flash, Green Lantern, Action Comics, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, then Morrisons JLA and the pre-52 Superman/Batman Volume 1 Public Enemies.
I also finished Green Arrow. Really enjoyed it, like this Ollie better than Arrow TV Ollie, which now to me feels like a rip off of Batman when he is in suit. Then just got done with Suicide Squad Volume 1. I bought it used and it was "new" but opened it up and some idiot covered EVERY Starfire picture with electrical tape so had to remove it. Really good otherwise, my favorite thus far.
Then on the Marvel side Im starting to read Inhumans (not really feeling it) then will be on to Black Panther (to me, from the covers, Marvel rip off Batman)
Also waiting on all the new Marvel Star Wars titles to ship, Im up to date on those.
Then TWD in August, very excited for this new arc, should be amazing.