I wish we could see some official pics of it in normal lighting. Right now he just looks one solid black color. I remember the AWiL werewolf design having lots of shades of grey, with a greyish-brown face. That's the only thing keeping me from ordering at the moment.
I am so freakin glad I ordered this...its gonna be so freakin worth it
In regards to colour - you also have to remember a lot of these films have been shot on film, with a chemical printing process (to colour grade) - unlike a majority of today's films which are shot digitally and colour graded using a computer. The chemical printing process was all about timing and how long you left the film in the chemicals determined the type of colour etc. - thus the reason why in the same movie the character could be different colours, even though it was the same suit etc. Then add onto the top of that how it was lit for the film, scene etc., which could throw it out again. The only way to see what colour the original character (in this case the Wolf) is, is by viewing the original puppet in person (even photographs - especially using on board camera flash - can alter the original colour).
Then if you want to get really technical - depending on what part of the world you grew up in - your colour perception might be slightly different, to that of others in a different part of the world.
Thanks for the info and the comparison photos.
I think my issue is that, regardless of color, I'm not seeing a great amount of detail/shading in the paint app.
I'll still probably get it. I think the exclusive (snarling mouth) looks better and more iconic.
My preorder says WOLF002EX. Is that number 2 of the 300 being made?
Their site says that the regular version has already sold out....but not the exclusive? How is that possible?
I REALLY want this, but I've never spent this kind of money on a collectible before. Can the pre-order be cancelled at any time?
Both showed as "sold out" prior to the pre-order becoming available. Since they are the same price, why would someone NOT want the ex? Therefore - the regular hasn't been made available for purchase yet on the PCS site (* but I'm guessing *)
i believe the pre-order can be cancelled within 30 days, but after that you lose the NRD.