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I got my Maketoys Visualisers set recently and am really pleased with them.

Normally I would go with Fanstoys, but the proportions, cartoon accuracy and self contained transformation really won me over.

It's great to have Decepticons a similar size to the car bots.

They just look great together too.

Love the shiny green chests. They look amazing in person.

Ironhide MP up for pre-order at BBTS. I still like the TFC take on him though, so will be keeping that pre order.
Ironhide MP up for pre-order at BBTS. I still like the TFC take on him though, so will be keeping that pre order.

I thought I was the only one! Even though it doesn't look as G1, TFC Ironhide just fits my perception of the character better. Will probably pick up the MP mould for Ratchet though.
TFC's Ironhide I think would look great with the modernized MP scale figures from DX9.
I got my Maketoys Visualisers set recently and am really pleased with them.

Normally I would go with Fanstoys, but the proportions, cartoon accuracy and self contained transformation really won me over.

It's great to have Decepticons a similar size to the car bots.

They just look great together too.

Love the shiny green chests. They look amazing in person.


I think Reflector is the best looking of Make Toys MP figures so far, it's giving me a difficult choice as I'd also normally go with the Fans Toys version but I'm not sure at the moment.

Either option is better than the non existent official one and will put me that bit closer to finishing my ideal Decepticon lineup, all my Insecticons are paid for so that just leaves Thundercracker and some Constructicons.

One of their designers has already said that Takara have no plans for MP combiners so it looks like 3rd parties will eventually be filling that gap as well. There's been enough Classics styled combiners that the various groups must have a decent grasp of what's required by now, it's whether they can nail the right aesthetic, it's not just about making the Constructicons/Devastator bigger.


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All things transformers!!!!

To some people the license doesn't matter and they simply want to buy the one they like the best.

The whole idea of 3P is unavailability of the real thing, or am I wrong?

Anyway, to each it's own, and good luck to 3p companies hoping to sell more than 10 Ironhides considering the official one is now a reality and actually cheaper.

Even the almighty FT backed of their project once TT announced Soundwave.

The "Transformers" brand, while irrelevant to some, has a lot of weight. If TT were to announce MP Dinobots tomorrow, EBay would be flooded with 3p Dinos in order to get the official ones.

Also, screw Bayformers.
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Re: All things transformers!!!!

The whole idea of 3P is unavailability of the real thing, or am I wrong?

Anyway, to each it's own, and good luck to 3p companies hoping to sell more than 10 Ironhides considering the official one is now a reality and actually cheaper.

Even the almighty FT backed of their project once TT announced Soundwave.

The "Transformers" brand, while irrelevant to some, has a lot of weight. If TT were to announce MP Dinobots tomorrow, EBay would be flooded with 3p Dinos in order to get the official ones.

Also, screw Bayformers.

FansToys was not the company the are today when they were designing their soundwave, I think it would be different today. I like some official stuff, but if Hasbro/tt announced Dinobots I would be glad but there is no way I'd sale my Ft ones just to get official ones. Mp Grimlock for as good as he was/is feels cheap compared to some of the 3rd party ones we have.

He may not be aesthetically mp fr everyone but mp Rodimus is a fragile piece compared to the quality of dx9s Carry.its nice to be able to handle or transform these pieces sometimes without concern that they might break if you look at it the wrong way. I'm glad we have options today
All things transformers!!!!

FansToys was not the company the are today when they were designing their soundwave, I think it would be different today. I like some official stuff, but if Hasbro/tt announced Dinobots I would be glad but there is no way I'd sale my Ft ones just to get official ones. Mp Grimlock for as good as he was/is feels cheap compared to some of the 3rd party ones we have.

He may not be aesthetically mp fr everyone but mp Rodimus is a fragile piece compared to the quality of dx9s Carry.its nice to be able to handle or transform these pieces sometimes without concern that they might break if you look at it the wrong way. I'm glad we have options today

Agreed on all that, but it just wouldn't make much business sense for FT or anybody really, to release a character already made officially, and cheaper. Why would they want to hurt potential sales?

Dinos make a lot of sense, as I don't ever see TT touching them. But what if they are to redesign them completely? Diecast pars and all? It would change things.

To you, probably, as options are always great. But my point is that to most TF fans (no need to do a census) an official release is just fine, even if it's just a POS like MP 09.

I highly doubt that KFC's Magnus sold better than the official one, as much as some hate it.

It was not my intention to start a who is better at it BS arguments like other sites, it was just honest curiosity as to how some 3P plan their business strategies, it's all.
Re: All things transformers!!!!

Not trying to argue either. Just different views, no harm. I wouldn't buy kfc magnus over original personally .
Also if I love a character, I might buy multiple pieces, original, and 3rd party stuff.
I wouldn't buy official just for the sake of having one. It would be to be superior, or again love of the character.
Re: All things transformers!!!!

The final version will be fully painted and all the silver bits will be chromed. There's also 2 options for robot mode height, either identical to Sideswipe or a bit taller.

The feet will also slide inwards a bit more so that gap isn't so prominent, the tolerances haven't quite been sorted yet.

Can't wait to see this fully painted.
Sunsurge is looking awesome. I love the car mode even seems to have the spot for the Lambo badge on the front.

This can't come soon enough for me :hi5:

Sunsurge is looking awesome. I love the car mode even seems to have the spot for the Lambo badge on the front.

This can't come soon enough for me :hi5:


I like the car mode a tad more than the robot mode at the moment, I just think the faux chest should be slightly longer but it may be something that looks better once it's been fully painted.
Rumor has it that the new hasbro reissue MP starscream uses really cheap plastic. I wonder if this is true.
Well that would put it in line with many Hasbro figures. But from what I read on TFW shortly after this was found in "the wild," I understood it to be comparable to Takara's. I think their Prime and Soundwave figures were pretty close.
Something like that. It was available for pre-order from TRU, and I got one in, so hopefully soon I will be able to judge for myself! I should note that the Takara one didn't blow me out of the water in the quality department. Their cars feel like they are higher quality in general, maybe due to the lack of paint on Starscream (they used gray plastic).

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