I was cleaning out my parent's attic the other day and found my old G1 Jetfire transformer with box. Box is a little beat up and the transformer itself shows signs of a young child playing with it. Any idea of what this is worth?
Only one pre-order option was made available so far that I know of, but of course they could come back and add another one for the different color scheme. I might actually pick up both if they do both colors. Toon scheme would fit best with my TF display, but Hound was one of my favorite toys as a kid, and so I love that color as well. Would probably keep that one in my office, along with Prowl who is already here.They haven't shown a color prototype yet but I'm guessing they'll do the same options as Make Toys, I'll be going for the darker green of the G1 toy as I prefer that to the lighter green of the animation model.
I'm thinking of getting into the masterpiece G1 series the HT Optimus inspired this. Any suggestions for someone who wants the original team of autobots and deceptions?
agesthreeandup.com are having a 20% off everything sale this weekend. I would suggest buying Takara MP-10 Optimus and MP-13 Soundwave (Reissue) - Ages Three And Up. You most likely won't find a better deal on these.
If you're not concerned about mixing Takara and Hasbro MP, I'd suggest getting MP Bluestreak from ToysRUs and watch for MP Starscream to come in stock beginning of October-ish. Also, Takara MP Thundercracker will be up for preorder soon-ish. Most agree it is a better deco than the Hasbro version and will probably run around the same price now that the Hasbro can only be obtained through the secondary market. It's possible the Hasbro will go down in price as people sell theirs off for the Takara version, so maybe a deal 'could' be had in the future.
If you like it, you're hooked and have to back-track about a dozen figures. Be careful of ebay and the like since there are KO's of most MP's. Places like BBTS, TFSource, Captured Prey, ToyDojo, TheChosenPrime and several others still have them in the $70 to $90 range. In the future, look to importing them from amiami.com, hlj.com, anime-export.com, nippon-yasan.com, etc to get the best prices (often $20-$30 less than US etailers).
Thank you very much! I will take advantage of that 20% offer. How do I redeem the 20% at checkout?
In other news, Hasbro UK are doing a survey to poll the fans on their stance on the brand. Actually pretty indepth, and might be worth filling out, if nothing else to tell them to stop ****ing it up.
Hasbro UK Transformers Survey.
agesthreeandup.com are having a 20% off everything sale this weekend. I would suggest buying Takara MP-10 Optimus and MP-13 Soundwave (Reissue) - Ages Three And Up. You most likely won't find a better deal on these.
If you're not concerned about mixing Takara and Hasbro MP, I'd suggest getting MP Bluestreak from ToysRUs and watch for MP Starscream to come in stock beginning of October-ish. Also, Takara MP Thundercracker will be up for preorder soon-ish. Most agree it is a better deco than the Hasbro version and will probably run around the same price now that the Hasbro can only be obtained through the secondary market. It's possible the Hasbro will go down in price as people sell theirs off for the Takara version, so maybe a deal 'could' be had in the future.
If you like it, you're hooked and have to back-track about a dozen figures. Be careful of ebay and the like since there are KO's of most MP's. Places like BBTS, TFSource, Captured Prey, ToyDojo, TheChosenPrime and several others still have them in the $70 to $90 range. In the future, look to importing them from amiami.com, hlj.com, anime-export.com, nippon-yasan.com, etc to get the best prices (often $20-$30 less than US etailers).
Only one pre-order option was made available so far that I know of, but of course they could come back and add another one for the different color scheme. I might actually pick up both if they do both colors. Toon scheme would fit best with my TF display, but Hound was one of my favorite toys as a kid, and so I love that color as well. Would probably keep that one in my office, along with Prowl who is already here.
Saw a bunch of Blue Streaks at Toys R Us today