Already have QuakeWave, so don't care about the official version.
Source of this info?
The source came from Fan Toys themselves who said they were delaying everything for their re-issue Shockwave...why are they prioritizing this piece before everything else? sure,it's speculation,but something is up there
I just looked into it and if it's the same rumor as in the TFW thread than the only basis for it is that two third party companies are releasing one soon so that must mean Takara is making one too. Which doesn't actually make any sense and is the same rumor that people started spreading around the first time Quakewave was released.
Nope the info didn't come from Tfw2005 or the likes.
Actual source of the info? I'd like to read what they said for myself. If they did say that it's more likely they're prioritizing it due to Quakeblast. Occam's razor etc.
Man, who cares?
Is there's an official Shockwave MP in the horizon, fine. I'd sell my FT in a heartbeat.
If there isn't, I won't. Don't see what's the big deal. Some would rather own an official one, and some will be perfectly fine with the amazing FT one.
I think it's relevant for those who don't have the original quakewave. Do we order the rerelease, only for Takara to release one soon after, or risk not getting the rerelease in hopes that Takara releases one. Selling the rerelease would likely result in us taking a loss if Takara releases one.
I'll just flip the other two.
My Starscream shipped from Toy R Us so I'll find out how good/bad it is soon.
I picked one up the other day and he's frikkin awesome.