[Toys-Era] DOFP: Master of Magnetism 1/6 scale

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Dude, if you want to talk about illegal stuff here, this community has a strong base of custom and commission work that doesn't have the licensing requirement. So yeah I can see that you also hate what most people here love. And seriously, usually I don't repeatedly bash about something that I don't like because I don't want to fill my head with all the bad stuff. Instead, I focus more on the thing I like so the positivity keeps flowing within a topic. And yes, I do concern about bad issues with the figures' QC in other thread to make sure I make the right decision before buying something. That's completely different from what you're doing right here. If you stereotypically hate this non-licensed figure in the first place and don't tend to buy it then why would you care so much about it? Like someone said on this thread: "stop beating the dead horse". I do respect others' opinions. But if you don't like it, just leave it and move on.
As for the guy, going straight to paypal instead of explaining the situation to OSK first is what makes him unprofessional. He shouldn't have done that. If everything goes wrong with the negotiation between the two then I say paypal is his right move to solve the problem. But after all of that, paypal has finally agree that OSK was right on his end with all of his terms and conditions. So I can see that the guy is just trying to make some advantage for his own. Got the refund through paypal but still tries to jack the deposit from Kit by ruining his reputation.

To me you sound like someone who has retailer/company loyalty, so automatically the guy can do no wrong. That's fine, and since you've made a lot of assumptions of me I'm going to assume you have been in the 1/6th community and bought a lot of this type of merchandise for a good amount of time. So I can imagine that his policy is common practice on more than just his site when it comes to this type of product.
However, this is not the case when it comes most online retailers, examples being Amazon, best buy etc. I stated before that I am relatively new here and to these types of products.
I first went into my account on his site to cancel the order but you can't edit the order in any way, so I emailed him with my request. Not being sure how his customer service was and if he would notice my email, all I did was file a dispute on PayPal so he would definitely know I was trying to alter my order.
The next thing I know I'm getting email after email of threats, harassment, ect. My next course of action was to call PayPal and see what I should do.
When I explained the situation to payal, THEY immediately escalated it to a claim, I didn't even tell them to do it. They said his policy didn't matter to them and that I would be guaranteed my money back within 10 days. 4 days later my money was back in my account. Followed up by another message from kit with a final theat with curse words and to have a nice day.
You also didn't seem to notice that someone asked about peoples experience with osk and if they should order this figure on here and I briefly told them my experience... Obviously now it's turned into much more because you felt the need to escalate the situation further.
It's funny how this figure has caused more arguments than happiness. A couple months ago I thought a Fassbender Magneto would never happen, it's been one of my most wanted figures for a long time. Sure, it'd be nice if it were licensed and official, but that was never going to happen. To me this is the next best thing... If I really want a figure I'll buy it no matter what. If one of these companies makes an unofficial Rorschach, I'll order without a second thought, because HT sure will never make one.

All that matters to me is that I'm finally getting a Magneto.
I'm not into unlicensed figures, but if a company was going to do some X-Files, BSG or Buffy figures, I'd be getting them because I don't see one of these big manufacturers getting those licenses.

As for this figure, there is never going to be a licensed Fassbender Magneto from DOFP. We might be lucky that future films have likenesses added to contracts, but it's already a lost cause for DOFP. Maybe even Apocolyse as well, I'm not sure.
for the love of god. when will people stop crying and whining about unlicensed figures! this hobby started with unlicensed figures! it was fun putting together our dream characters. and noone ever had an issue with it. i remember indy, mclane,neo,soverein batman being the 1st major draws for me 16 yrs ago. who wouldve known wed be so lucky to now have everything we ever wanted and then some. and MORE on the way. i think there needs to be a thread for just unlicensed talk. im sick of it splattering into every damn thread i come into.
It's companies like Toys Era that are putting companies like Hot Toys out of business. Oh wait........no they're not! The only reason I'm on this forum is to get the inside scoop on stuff that isn't licensed. I never ever thought I would have an Eastwood Blondie figure. Is it on the same level as this? Probably not, but it's really not all that different. Sorry, I haven't reached that supreme level of ethical ideology.
I Just put my order in at timewalker toys so happy great company fast shipping from them. I'M super stoked to have Magneto on the way.:yess:cant wait to bad hot toys cheaper this way. He will look amazing with wolverine dofp version.
Wonder what kind of silly name they can come up with for Xavier, if they do one.