[Toys-Era] DOFP: Master of Magnetism 1/6 scale

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Yeah, I don't fully understand the strategy of revealing a prototype for a figure that hasn't been fully approved and decided on yet. It isn't like they are hoping to get a groundswell of support to lobby Weaver or the license holder to agree to approve a figure. HT just sometimes throws things out there without knowing whether or not it can or will happen, and that's a formula for just leaving collectors frustrated.
Well... people has the need to talk about stuff, they can't just buy product and move on - that's not very interesting of a hobby. :lol
Yeah, I don't fully understand the strategy of revealing a prototype for a figure that hasn't been fully approved and decided on yet. It isn't like they are hoping to get a groundswell of support to lobby Weaver or the license holder to agree to approve a figure. HT just sometimes throws things out there without knowing whether or not it can or will happen, and that's a formula for just leaving collectors frustrated.

It's not hot toys alone. Sdcc has thousands of prototypes every year. The Detroit auto show is 80% "prototypes" they just call it something else. Sema is full of prototypes. Nearly ever type of trade show or convention on the planet, ever, is loaded with prototypes.

You are correct that they may not be doing it to sway favor with the license company, but it does generate interest in the figures. This site wouldn't have 2/3 of its posts if all they did was just show the production piece as it ships. It also, as previously stated, completly eliminates the flex pay. Most people would never be able to buy a hulkbuster if it just came out. It also allows the company to up production numbers(or drop them if they over estimated interest, drop it to the min margin for profit).

Yes there are a few cases (10ish times out of 500, pretty small percentage) where the figure never makes it to market. One of the better averages. Look at PI and CMC...combined in 3 years they have 200 plus that never made it to market.
I'm not complaining about their decision to put up a pre-order well before the release date. I defended that choice earlier. Or the decision to show off prototypes. It's putting out prototypes without apparently having any clue whether or not they will actually produce them, as was the case with the First Class figures and Alien Ripley, among others. There's no value in generating interest in a figure that isn't going to be released.
The SSC Wolverine was shown a year and a half ago, and still no preorder. If it was nowhere near ready to order, they shouldn't have shown it.
I'm not complaining about their decision to put up a pre-order well before the release date. I defended that choice earlier. Or the decision to show off prototypes. It's putting out prototypes without apparently having any clue whether or not they will actually produce them, as was the case with the First Class figures and Alien Ripley, among others. There's no value in generating interest in a figure that isn't going to be released.

Becuase they can't have a clue if the figure will be released until the final production piece is approved by the licensor. So, they would be unable to show ANY prototypes. As none of those are approved. The only figures they could show, by that standard, are final approved production pieces.

If you defend showing off prototypes then you say they should only show approved figures you are arguing for and against the same thing. A prototype is an unapproved figure.

And again...you say no value in generating interest in a few figures that do not make it to market (ripely and prof X), but what about the 500ish that did?
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Stop feeding him, please.

I'm just patiently waiting for my Prometheus figures. I've been told they'll come out, eventually.

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The SSC Wolverine was shown a year and a half ago, and still no preorder. If it was nowhere near ready to order, they shouldn't have shown it.
With SSC though, it makes a bit more sense based on their historical experience. I can't remember an instance where a 1/6 scale SSC figure was shelved due to inability to get licensor approval. So essentially, they're just engaging in a long-term marketing campaign. And in fact, SSC does make changes in the process to figures that coincides with collector criticisms (such as some of the DC figures, and Firefly having a camo head). So, they may actually take this into account, which is probably good for business.

Becuase they can't have a clue if the figure will be released until the final production piece is approved by the licensor. So, they would be unable to show ANY prototypes. As none of those are approved. The only figures they could show, by that standard, are final approved production pieces.

If you defend showing off prototypes then you say they should only show approved figures you are arguing for and against the same thing. A prototype is an unapproved figure.
I'm a bit confused by your response (approval is made of prototypes prior to solicitation of a figure for sale, not final figures following production), but I believe they should have at least preliminary approval and a high likelihood that they want to release a figure before showing it off. With licenses that have had a very tricky historical record of likeness rights being granted (Alien, Michael Jackson, X-Men), it seems counterproductive to show off prototypes or otherwise promote figures prematurely.

But Chan's probably got a fleet of private jets, so I guess he probably doesn't care all that much about upsetting a few collectors by creating throwing things out there at conventions that may or may not make it to production.
With SSC though, it makes a bit more sense based on their historical experience. I can't remember an instance where a 1/6 scale SSC figure was shelved due to inability to get licensor approval. So essentially, they're just engaging in a long-term marketing campaign. And in fact, SSC does make changes in the process to figures that coincides with collector criticisms (such as some of the DC figures, and Firefly having a camo head). So, they may actually take this into account, which is probably good for business.

I'm a bit confused by your response (approval is made of prototypes prior to solicitation of a figure for sale, not final figures following production), but I believe they should have at least preliminary approval and a high likelihood that they want to release a figure before showing it off. With licenses that have had a very tricky historical record of likeness rights being granted (Alien, Michael Jackson, X-Men), it seems counterproductive to show off prototypes or otherwise promote figures prematurely.

But Chan's probably got a fleet of private jets, so I guess he probably doesn't care all that much about upsetting a few collectors by creating throwing things out there at conventions that may or may not make it to production.

Until an item is put up for PO the figure does not have approval, usually. Hot toys gauges interest with prototypes as well. If it's a prototype it's not approved for final production and it's not approved for sale. Lots of tags at shows even spell this out.

The people doing the approvals need to see the actual production figure for final sign off. The prototype has an approval stage as well, or check stage, but it's not the same as a final test production pulls that come out of the production tooling. Those are the ones that are painted by J.C Bu hand and delivered to the licensor for final approval. But a prototype may not have any approval on the product itself. It's a prototype. They have to have the license from th studio (studio with hot toys becuase they do movies (or games, still a studio) and approval to show a character. But that characters prototype may not have approval from the studio(s), or actor. Two good examples are Drax and Returns batman. Both had prototypes shown. But when the production pieces where sent to their respective studios the studios did not approve them. That's why returns took so long to go up for order, and why drax has been delayed. The same thing could happen to ANY figure that has not gone up for order (they technically could cancel a PO but it's rare to do so when money has been taken becuase it opens up all kinds of issues). The only way to not have the ripley or Prof X is to not show ANY prototypes. Only the production figures. Any proto has the same risk of issues that happened to Prof X...

Maybe if they got approval for a prototype from all concerned before they showed the prototype to the public there might be less of a wait?
Maybe if they got approval for a prototype from all concerned before they showed the prototype to the public there might be less of a wait?

Maybe. But that would eliminate the majority of the flex period. It would destroy conventions like sdcc, nycc, stgcc,toy soul, wizard world..ect. Those shows are full of unapproved protos. Hot toys is doing what every other company, in every other business does. How many people are begging for the civil war figures to be shown and the batman v superman stuff and the Star Wars stuff?

If they waited for approvals th only communication and news a company would release would be the Pre order. No bTS photos. No conventions. No teasers. No q & a. That all involves items that are not approved.
So tomorrow is the deadline... Which would be the best way to order, direct through Toys Era or through OSK? Probably get it a few weeks sooner direct.
So tomorrow is the deadline... Which would be the best way to order, direct through Toys Era or through OSK? Probably get it a few weeks sooner direct.

I recommend direct like I did. People like osk but if anything goes wrong or you decide the figure isn't for you all the kit guy does is curse you out, threaten and harass you. I just had a run in with the guy and I have over a dozen emails from him threatening to release my private information. I also checked out his eBay feedback page and sure enough, there were similar comments to my situation.
I recommend direct like I did. People like osk but if anything goes wrong or you decide the figure isn't for you all the kit guy does is curse you out, threaten and harass you. I just had a run in with the guy and I have over a dozen emails from him threatening to release my private information. I also checked out his eBay feedback page and sure enough, there were similar comments to my situation.
Man, that's messed up. If that's how it is, I'll just skip that site. I don't like paying in full months in advance, but it's worth it for Magneto. I'll probably order direct tonight. Just email them and they get your Paypal info?
POd from Secret Compass! Northing but good experience from him, just a $20 deposit.
Monkey Depot also has him with $40 deposit, but no free shipping with them. They're a good site too, bought loose parts many times from them.
Man, that's messed up. If that's how it is, I'll just skip that site. I don't like paying in full months in advance, but it's worth it for Magneto. I'll probably order direct tonight. Just email them and they get your Paypal info?

Monkey Depot also has him with $40 deposit, but no free shipping with them. They're a good site too, bought loose parts many times from them.

Yeah just email them with all your info and they send you an invoice.

As for osk, I'll never touch that site again. I've never been treated that way before in my life by any retailer. I just wanted to let people know what happened to me so that it doesn't happen to others. Even if it helps one person then it was worth it to have to go through that ****.
Yeah just email them with all your info and they send you an invoice.

As for osk, I'll never touch that site again. I've never been treated that way before in my life by any retailer. I just wanted to let people know what happened to me so that it doesn't happen to others. Even if it helps one person then it was worth it to have to go through that ****.

Thanks for the info. What happened, did you want to cancel an order and he got all uppity about it?
I recommend direct like I did. People like osk but if anything goes wrong or you decide the figure isn't for you all the kit guy does is curse you out, threaten and harass you. I just had a run in with the guy and I have over a dozen emails from him threatening to release my private information. I also checked out his eBay feedback page and sure enough, there were similar comments to my situation.

What was your "run-in"?