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Why is it some sellers from Hong Kong have it and others don't? I'm ready to feast on $260 shipped from Hong Kong..

On the other hand, Timcent88's prices has fluctuated so much.
I have my BBTS preorder just in case he turns out to be a memorable character.
I have my BBTS preorder just in case he turns out to be a memorable character.

If one of the primary characters portrayed by an extremely talented actor for a trilogy of films in arguably the most popular film franchise ever isn't memorable, then the people who work on the film should retire from the industry immediately.
If one of the primary characters portrayed by an extremely talented actor for a trilogy of films in arguably the most popular film franchise ever isn't memorable, then the people who work on the film should retire from the industry immediately.
Tell that to the people that made the prequels. Seems to be the same scenario.
Tell that to the people that made the prequels. Seems to be the same scenario.

Should we go to the other threads and demand all of these people with Dooku/Maul collectibles throw them in a fire? Not calling Darth Maul memorable is silly.
If one of the primary characters portrayed by an extremely talented actor for a trilogy of films in arguably the most popular film franchise ever isn't memorable, then the people who work on the film should retire from the industry immediately.

Darth maul didn't exactly pan out(I only talk about the movies not cartoons or EU).
Darth maul didn't exactly pan out(I only talk about the movies not cartoons or EU).

He is still an incredibly iconic character. Which is made all the more impressive considering how little screen time he had in Star Wars films. Kylo Ren is likely going to be in three.
He is still an incredibly iconic character. Which is made all the more impressive considering how little screen time he had in Star Wars films. Kylo Ren is likely going to be in three.

Not with me he's not. He looks cool but never made me want to buy any figures of him. Count Dooku was way more memorable.
This new chinese trailer is blast and the last thing i wanna see before fkn Episode 7!

Goosebumps galore! :panic:
Go Kylo! :clap
Not with me he's not. He looks cool but never made me want to buy any figures of him. Count Dooku was way more memorable.

That has nothing to do with anything. Iconography is iconography. It doesn't matter if a specific person doesn't like the thing in question. Darth Maul was plastered all over millions upon millions of merchandise people brought into their homes. Just like with Kylo Ren.
That has nothing to do with anything. Iconography is iconography. It doesn't matter if a specific person doesn't like the thing in question. Darth Maul was plastered all over millions upon millions of merchandise people brought into their homes. Just like with Kylo Ren.

Uh...Im not questioning Mauls impact on pop culture I'm saying he wasn't very memorable to me. I hope that was a little clearer(although I was pretty clear the first time).
He is still an incredibly iconic character.
It doesn't matter if a specific person doesn't like the thing in question.
He was plastered all over millions upon millions of merchandise people brought into their homes.
Cool looking doesn't mean iconic. He's not even a character in that film.
But to be fair that's part of the "Boba Fett syndrome" - you either seein' it or just buyin' into it, no grey areas. :lol
None of the villains in Star Wars are that exciting. Maul, Jango, Dooku and Grievous in particular are all one note. They're barely explored. Vader is a straight up puss taking orders from old men as this pathetic lap dog. Tarkin is one dimensional. Boba Fett is a glorified background character that is unsatisfying in the movies and dies like a *****.

Overall, I think the best villains are clearly Palpatine and Jabba the Hutt. From the OT to the PT, Palps does it all. He has the charisma and evil glee you can't help but love. Jabba is extremely characteristic and fun. Just the idea of a space slug gangster is a great idea.

But it's Star Wars, depth isn't important as long as they look cool. All of the villains save for maybe Tarkin have unique traits that make them stand out with a cool factor, even if their characterization leaves a lot to be desired.
Uh...Im not questioning Mauls impact on pop culture I'm saying he wasn't very memorable to me. I hope that was a little clearer(although I was pretty clear the first time).

He's still a memorable character. I am sure there are plenty of OT elitist out there who feel the same way..
None of the villains in Star Wars are that exciting. Maul, Jango, Dooku and Grievous in particular are all one note. They're barely explored. Vader is a straight up puss taking orders from old men as this pathetic lap dog. Tarkin is one dimensional. Boba Fett is a glorified background character that is unsatisfying in the movies and dies like a *****.

Overall, I think the best villains are clearly Palpatine and Jabba the Hutt. From the OT to the PT, Palps does it all. He has the charisma and evil glee you can't help but love. Jabba is extremely characteristic and fun. Just the idea of a space slug gangster is a great idea.

But it's Star Wars, depth isn't important as long as they look cool. All of the villains save for maybe Tarkin have unique traits that make them stand out with a cool factor, even if their characterization leaves a lot to be desired.

I agree, for me Palpatine was the only interesting thing about the Prequels.

I would love to get this figure but currently I'm trying to put together a Hot Toys 12 back collection, and while I know they'll never do many of those figures again I'm sure we'll get another Kylo down the line.
When your mother told you that, she wasn't being serious.

I see someone is obtuse. If you have any other problems or responses for me send me a PM and we'll settle it there I don't want to junk up the thread.