He probably left her because he knew she was strong with the force and didn't want what happened to Kylo Ren to happen to her.
The moment the part where the stormies shun him really back fired on me.
No, that's exactly how Anakin was. Unstable, unpredictable, emotional and to add, creepy, annoying and arrogant. If you believe otherwise you're just imagining things. It's like the prequel-whiners now change opinion because of how Kylo Ren was in The Force Awakens. Now suddenly Anakin was never like that but Kylo was and it's super cool.
Kylo to me wasn't annoying or overly creepy. Maybe the character just seemed more likeable to me. He wasn't constantly a complete unwatchable ***** like anakin was in the prequels.
More bad ass, relatable and no cringey dialogue.
Don't get me wrong, he wasn't perfect, but definitely not on the same level as anakin imo
Your opinion, of course. I don't follow this way of thinking and consider myself lucky I don't hold these opinions. Pheew.. Glad I like the complete saga.
Relatable? Now you have my interest, please do tell how Kylo is relatable to you?
Anakin wasn't a perfect character neither was Kylo Ren. They were written that way on purpose.
I like the way Kylo was trying to finish the job that his Grandfather started and the fact that I look up to my Grandfather made it kind of relatable...in a way. I'm not saying I would turn to the dark side and murder innocent people but Snoke obviously tapped into the dark side that 'Kylo' had in his blood. This isn't real life so I guess in the Star Wars universe it makes sense.
It really isn't half bad xD
Well who doesn't have a little dark side in themon a different note, I just felt that anakins character was just very badly written, not only his motives and how he turned, but that's a totally different topic that I don't wanna get into xD
Regardless I guess what I'm saying is that anakin had no likeability for me (and in a slight tangent because of that ruined a little of my enjoyment of darth vaders character), yet kylo did.
I like the way Kylo was trying to finish the job that his Grandfather started
I thought Anakin’s turn to the dark side was one of the most satisfyingly executed part of the prequels. It was believable to me that someone with his personality would fall to the dark side as opposed to the fun, likeable and "cool" Anakin from say the cute kids show the Clone Wars.
It should have been but it wasn't. Badly written and acted. Not believable at all.
Interestingly, Finn comes with a bag that i don't remember him with in the movie when Rey is clearly the one using it at some point.
will be staying mostly OT for 1/6 figures