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Is there really some kind of negative response to this R rating? I can't find anything about it except in this thread. :lol

All you have to do is Google Deadpool Movie Petition and it pops up everywhere. The petition is on Change.Org and has a whopping 1600+ signatures LOL.

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I bet half those people who signed the petition don't have children. Just somthing else to whine about.

But nobody complained when watchmen came out and blue dong was flying everywhere.
Good grief! What's next, people petition for pornos to be edited so they can be viewed by children? Not every movie is made for every audience! That's they the rating system is in place! Its a guide for crying out loud! Its one thing if we didn't have it and lots of people were surprised by the content, but it is there and if its not something you're OK with, then don't go! Its that simple! Wait for the TV edit to see it if its that important to you. Makes me wish that a bunch of stupid parents take their kids to this just to learn the valuable lesson of checking the rating before going to the movie! Same type of people see cartoons/animated films and automatically assume its a kids movie.
I could understand parents freaking out if this was a different situation. Say one where deadpool is a more kid friendly character and the studio decided to make his film R rated. But that's not this situation. Deadpool isn't a kid friendly character. He never has been and I highly doubt he ever will be. Just because kids like adult characters, doesn't mean that they should be catered to. Freddy Kruger was pretty damn popular growing up and had the parents has the audacity to ask the studios to release edited versions of the movies into theaters, the studios would have politely told them to **** off.
I could understand parents freaking out if this was a different situation. Say one where deadpool is a more kid friendly character and the studio decided to make his film R rated. But that's not this situation. Deadpool isn't a kid friendly character. He never has been and I highly doubt he ever will be. Just because kids like adult characters, doesn't mean that they should be catered to. Freddy Kruger was pretty damn popular growing up and had the parents has the audacity to ask the studios to release edited versions of the movies into theaters, the studios would have politely told them to **** off.

AGAIN, he's been featured in the Ulitimate Spiderman cartoon. So he HAS been exposed (heh) to some kids in the dumbed down-kid friendly kind of way. Last I checked his figure was sold right next to all the other Marvel superheroes in Wal-mart. And if that's the only Deadpool you know, than that's what they are expecting. Obviously those petitioning don't know jack **** about the character, but I can see where there may/will be a little confusion.
Yeah, I suppose that's true. However, that being said, I've been reading that it's not just these kid friendly versions. Case in point the mother of the kid that sparked this petition said her 8 year old reads the comics. Or on boxing day, I was in a book store and some woman was with her kid who couldn't have been more than 10 and she was buying him a deadpool trade because he couldn't see the movie.

So it really is a two-headed coin. Those that don't know about the character and those that do but still choose to let the kid read them anyways.

Ultimately I hope Fox doesn't give in to it. Because the moment they make any change for PG13 on this flick, even if it's a re-release 2 months down the road, is the moment that any subsequent sequels will be forever doomed to a PG13 theatrical release.
Saw the redband trailer for this before The Hateful Eight this weekend. I hadn't really seen any trailers before -- just a few of the occasionally clever print ads. Was mildly interested before the trailer. I don't know much about Deadpool ... but, it looked entertaining.

After the trailer, it kinda looks ... annoying. Ever had an acquaintance that was trying WAY too hard to be the clever, funny, edgy guy? To the point that he becomes an endless string of quips that are a lot less clever than he thinks they are? That's what the trailer I saw made this movie look like. A desperate-to-be-funny string of one liners more suitable to Chandler Bing -- especially the really irritating early-Friends Chandler -- than a movie a grown man might want to see (and, yes, I've seen way too much Friends ... I blame my wife).

I genuinely hope this movie is less annoying than that trailer made it look. "Did I leave the stove on?" Blah.

I'm laughing at all the pg-13 petition, I've been watching R rated films since I was 5 lol Hell, I grew up on the aliens trilogy, I even saw Alien 3 in theaters, I was maybe 8, possibly 6? and I freaking loved it.

And there's nothing wrong with watching Friends, I watched the whole series when it aired lol
One thing I don't like is DMX's song as the theme, an old one at that. Doesn't go with the film. Should have used something original. All the other comic films used original scores, they didn't have established music. I like the trailers, but then the song plays.
After the trailer, it kinda looks ... annoying. Ever had an acquaintance that was trying WAY too hard to be the clever, funny, edgy guy? To the point that he becomes an endless string of quips that are a lot less clever than he thinks they are? That's what the trailer I saw made this movie look like. A desperate-to-be-funny string of one liners more suitable to Chandler Bing -- especially the really irritating early-Friends Chandler -- than a movie a grown man might want to see (and, yes, I've seen way too much Friends ... I blame my wife).

I genuinely hope this movie is less annoying than that trailer made it look. "Did I leave the stove on?" Blah.


I hate Friends! :lol I read somewhere that you're either a Friends or a Seinfeld guy, and I'm a Seinfeld guy.

In regards to your adult comment, that's why I was confused why so many were praising the film for being so much more adult than the kid friendly Marvel movies. The poop and anatomy jokes, constant swearing, dancing, crotch shots, etc seem like something that would appeal to some third or fourth graders. I didn't think it looked very good when I saw it, but I thought I was missing something since so many were praising it. I didn't want to seem like a jerk. I don't mean to be:lol

The Godfather Part I and Part II and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest are my favorite films of all time, and I watched them multiple times as a kid. R-rated doesn't mean more adult. If they did an accurate portrayal of most comics that are written for kids, they'd be rated R because of the blood. We played Cowboys and Indians when we were kids, and it was harmless. But if you were to spell the game out on paper, I'm sure many would say "This is an adult game."

Heck as a kid, I thought Mortal Kombat and Slipknot were "adult" for the violence and swearing, but that was my child's mindset. When I turned 16, I realized how childish they were. I actually feel like the MCU is much more mature than Deadpool from what we've seen.

Not saying it's wrong to like children's properties. I'm obviously not averse to them! It can be good to keep the inner child alive because it keeps some people grounded. I didn't get to watch much tv or watch many movies growing up, so I'm discovering a lot of stuff my classmates would watch as kids. My mom had a rule of one hour of tv time a day, and I'd use usually for video games, so I'm discovering a bunch of stuff. Sorry, I don't mean to come off as pretentious. I'm still young, so maybe I'll have a different perspective on all this in the next hour since I'm constantly changing. :lol
I'm laughing at all the pg-13 petition, I've been watching R rated films since I was 5 lol Hell, I grew up on the aliens trilogy, I even saw Alien 3 in theaters, I was maybe 8, possibly 6? and I freaking loved it.

And there's nothing wrong with watching Friends, I watched the whole series when it aired lol

The pg-13 petition is hilarious because it started so that an 8 year old kid could watch the film...which makes no sense because PG 13 means the kid must be at least 13 years old to watch the film :lol

I also think the "R" rating was totally unnecessary, imo.

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