Broke and happy
I hate Friends!I read somewhere that you're either a Friends or a Seinfeld guy, and I'm a Seinfeld guy.
In regards to your adult comment, that's why I was confused why so many were praising the film for being so much more adult than the kid friendly Marvel movies. The poop and anatomy jokes, constant swearing, dancing, crotch shots, etc seem like something that would appeal to some third or fourth graders. I didn't think it looked very good when I saw it, but I thought I was missing something since so many were praising it. I didn't want to seem like a jerk. I don't mean to be![]()
The Godfather Part I and Part II and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest are my favorite films of all time, and I watched them multiple times as a kid. R-rated doesn't mean more adult. If they did an accurate portrayal of most comics that are written for kids, they'd be rated R because of the blood. We played Cowboys and Indians when we were kids, and it was harmless. But if you were to spell the game out on paper, I'm sure many would say "This is an adult game."
Heck as a kid, I thought Mortal Kombat and Slipknot were "adult" for the violence and swearing, but that was my child's mindset. When I turned 16, I realized how childish they were. I actually feel like the MCU is much more mature than Deadpool from what we've seen.
Not saying it's wrong to like children's properties. I'm obviously not averse to them! It can be good to keep the inner child alive because it keeps some people grounded. I didn't get to watch much tv or watch many movies growing up, so I'm discovering a lot of stuff my classmates would watch as kids. My mom had a rule of one hour of tv time a day, and I'd use usually for video games, so I'm discovering a bunch of stuff. Sorry, I don't mean to come off as pretentious. I'm still young, so maybe I'll have a different perspective on all this in the next hour since I'm constantly changing.![]()
You made a decent counterpoint.
I just look at this movie as being an adult comedy with some bloody ninja action thrown in that is just too raunchy for my son to appreciate.

There are enough "clean" and "safe" pg-13 cbm for him to enjoy that he doesn't need to see T&A, hard cursing and super gore just yet.
Soon though.