Those figures definitely look best with the sand bases. Cool stands, Coco.
You gonna sell those Cocoboloboy?
Just got done doing this to my pauldron and it looks much better; one of the original snaps fell off when I breathed on it and the other took a tiny poke with my finger. Because the backside of the pin was sharp when I cut it off I added a tiny dot of 15 minute epoxy to hold the pins in place and pad the sharp edge...looks great and will never be seen.
I actually wasn't too excited when I got this so I left him in the box for a while but after I got him out and started putting him together I really got to appreciate him. I actually considered just keeping my SS Sandie instead but not now.
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I sure am, Al. They're here:
Very cool stands Coco. The moment the other 2 Sandies are released by HT I'll be getting 3 stands. BTW do you include the holding pole too? I have some extra crotch grabbers no problem here, but HT and SSC poles are different (round vs square), so not sure if they fit on the base.
After the post in this thread about the missing brass button off of the pauldron I noticed mine was gone too. I picked up a pack of brass head pins from the craft store and replaced mine with one of them. Thanks to whomever posted this trick!!!
Kind of where I am with a lot of these. I'd rather buy it now, check it out, and then sell if there's not enough space or just don't feel they're necessary. Trouble is I do find it tough to sell them off as they're so nice even when not being vital (thinking of the Spacetrooper there). And on top of it you usually have to wait until they run out of stock to safely make your money back.I really like it, but it's pushing me outside of trying to just collect the most basic of characters and I am feeling like stuff is getting a bit over crowded in my office. But in the end, he just kind of looked to cool to pass up and I was afraid I would regret getting this after it was sold out.
I kind of figure its easier to buy it now and display it and see how I like it and sell it later if I need to than miss out and regret it and have to pay after market prices later for it.