I saw it tonight. Still processing it a bit, but it wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. I enjoyed it more than MOS, and though the tone is dour and grim, I didn't feel depressed and gloomy walking out. Though based on that ending, it seems that's what Snyder and company wanted! I do agree that it's not as bad as you would think looking at the RT score. But then, if you read specific critical reviews instead of just focusing on the RT percentage, most of the critics seem to think it's more or less an average, somewhat disappointing movie, not that it's terrible. And I guess that's where I fall, too.
I thought Batman was pretty great. His horror movie scene early on, the fight with Lex's thugs, his interactions with Alfred, the fight with Supes, he was pretty good in all of it, and Affleck did great. I wouldn't say he's the best Batman we've seen, but I probably would put him on par with the Nolan/Bale version. However, there were issues throughout this movie for me, and for Batman in particular, it was two-fold, on first go-around with this movie 1) he killed guys in his first scene in the Batmobile, who as far as he knew, had done nothing worse than trying to protect a Lex Luthor-funded convoy transporting a special item. I don't like Bats as a killer, but in general I was able to accept it in this movie. This though, was pretty crazy. It's like killing bodyguards for simply trying to be bodyguards. Made me grimace.; and 2) his about-face after hearing Clark whisper to him at the end of their fight was a bit hard to swallow. He goes from extensive planning and a total willingness to kill this guy to letting him go, helping him, and treating him like his best bud? Even waxing sentimental in the final scene, about how he should have done more for the guy or whatever? That took me out of the movie.
I thought Supes was pretty good. Actually better than I liked him in MOS. But he was a terribly unbelievable Clark Kent. Wonder Woman seemed a'aight, but a bit wooden. Did not like her weird theme, and it annoyed me whenever that started going.
I did not like Lex at all. I thought he was annoying as hell. I laughed during his last appearance talking about the ringing bells. Really reinforced my worst fears about him going in. Did not understand why he orchestrated the explosion, exactly. He mentioned that it helped him to motivate Batman to take on Superman, but. . .why would that have happened? It was obvious that Superman didn't cause it, and Batman would have known that. It didn't serve any utilitarian purpose that I could figure out (though I guess it's possible that it was a means of Lex being allowed to get the remaining politicians to support his plan to kill Supes?). And in the process, Lex apparently kills off
who didn't really do much of anything in the movie anyway. So, I don't know exactly why she was even in this one.
Doomsday was lame, and the uber-action in that fight was way more X-TREME than it should have been. BUT. . .Snyder. I thought the meta-human cameos were kind of lame, but in fairness, their insertion wasn't as forced as it otherwise could have been. Didn't feel the movie needed the downer ending, when obviously