Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Well just think. I have been watching the 1966 series and something off struck me in it, they never explain anything, they expect the viewer or new comer to jump right in and it totally works, they are dastardly criminals and you know who they are.

Everything today has to be explained. I get it mainstream audience. Half the time those origin stories get boring and kill potential extra minutes, heck CW is spending 6 minutes doing an origin story on spider man, we don't need it. In all reality whenever they do origin sequences or a whole lot of explanation I feel insulted. Watching BvS four times this weekend I came into conclusion that yes this movie has a ton of Easter eggs for comic book fans with a keen eye. People think those knightmare are sequences are dreams but they are really not and the flash proved it.

Marvel needs tons of movies to explain one big plot but DCU is combining it all into semi small films that are there for the hardcore viewers and give you the insight on everything you need to know in one film and I like it.

Marvel had the right approach with having a movie for each character in the avengers but I mean everyone knows who superman, batman and Wonder Woman are...

BvS is its own masterpiece in its own Jesse eisenberg kind of way.

Btw the more I read from Devin faraci the more I feel like he just writes one huge review about anything and just makes it an abortion of eloquent words to make him sound full of himself. I get his approach but in this day and age it's not really necessary...

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"Oh and if you don't mind me asking, how's your dead sidekick?"


Aquaman was totally the "Captain Phasma" of this movie. Why'd they even release pictures of him in advance? At least Phasma survived a sucker punch from a wookiee. What did Aquaman do? Out swam a waterproof camera? Oooooh what a badass. :lol

Aquaman v Camera :lol

That music sure made a battle with a camera seem epic though! :lol

I didn't mind the footage of additional metahumans. To me that stuff didn't feel shoehorned in because I found Bruce's arc to be a pretty organic transition from "must war with any metahuman threat" to "must unite them." That is his arc which was all related to the film at hand. It just also had the added benefit of conveniently leading into the big team-up movie they want to do. A nice way to show that Diana was just the tip of the iceberg that only took a quick minute of screen time. IMO of course. But I was surprised to see Aquaman do nothing more than hiss at the camera and peel off.

The meta reveals for me flowed naturally within the narrative.

just got back, pretty decent entertaining flick....critics are idiots

Yup, the only critics I like are the ones who like what I like. :lol

Ooooooooh good catch.

Besides, there are some who say he didn't kill the mutant in that panel, so could be....

That actor was also the bad guy Hydra soldier working with Rumlow in TWS!

Would have been kewl to see it was Aquaman that saved Supes out of the water after the oil rig came down.


I bet that will be revealed! :pray:
the funny thing is that they made the funniest review of everyone else

and the one review where they analyse the most of what the movie did wrong. (their review is better than any high profile reviewer)

they are not nobodies either, they Single–handedly made george lucas cry, dont tell me you never saw their sw reviews, i wont believe you if you said that

Never saw their SW reviews.

So they are just another group of nobodies that didn't like the prequels. Who cares? :dunno

Just for giggles, I watched 10 minutes of their BvS video you posted. That **** was retarded. Their 'stupid funny' bit isn't funny. At all. As was their 'review' of the movie.
I didn't watch the video is that the original RLM crew of PT review fame?

If so then yes their PT reviews can't be touched, the praise they received was well deserved because it was a great analysis of those movies.

But BvS is nowhere as bad as the PT, that very simple.

The BvS discrepancy questions have easily been answered or addressed many times over already.

Sure, would I love to have DiFabio's version of BvS, awf cawrse!

But I have to either like or dislike what WB gave me, the product as it stands and I did.

Hopefully the extended smooths out the narrative some more and maybe adds an additional Batman fight or character moment and adds another layer of polish to Lex, the spear or the end battle.

I know i'm asking alot from 25 minutes. :lol

But nothing is going give us Christopher Reeve in this movie.

If you want that you have to go and watch Superman 4! :lol
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Well just think. I have been watching the 1966 series and something off struck me in it, they never explain anything, they expect the viewer or new comer to jump right in and it totally works, they are dastardly criminals and you know who they are.

Everything today has to be explained. I get it mainstream audience. Half the time those origin stories get boring and kill potential extra minutes, heck CW is spending 6 minutes doing an origin story on spider man, we don't need it. In all reality whenever they do origin sequences or a whole lot of explanation I feel insulted. Watching BvS four times this weekend I came into conclusion that yes this movie has a ton of Easter eggs for comic book fans with a keen eye. People think those knightmare are sequences are dreams but they are really not and the flash proved it.

Marvel needs tons of movies to explain one big plot but DCU is combining it all into semi small films that are there for the hardcore viewers and give you the insight on everything you need to know in one film and I like it.

Marvel had the right approach with having a movie for each character in the avengers but I mean everyone knows who superman, batman and Wonder Woman are...

BvS is its own masterpiece in its own Jesse eisenberg kind of way.

Btw the more I read from Devin faraci the more I feel like he just writes one huge review about anything and just makes it an abortion of eloquent words to make him sound full of himself. I get his approach but in this day and age it's not really necessary...

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Everything he writes is written with some kind of agenda. Everything.
Marvel needs tons of movies to explain one big plot but DCU is combining it all into semi small films that are there for the hardcore viewers and give you the insight on everything you need to know in one film and I like it.

Marvel had the right approach with having a movie for each character in the avengers but I mean everyone knows who superman, batman and Wonder Woman are...

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My problem with DC's approach never had time for a connection with Supes before his big "sacrifice" in BvS. I disliked his character in MoS. I began getting his struggles in BvS but still found it hard to like the character. Others will have different opinions however, the approach (for me) of cramming everything into two films then wanting an emotional investment in the character just didnt happen. A main character sacrifices everything and it had zero emotional a result, my view is the entire Doomsday piece was irrelevant beyond wasting time and setting up plots in future films. Who cares...

It's a gamble some folks enjoy others not so much
My problem with DC's approach never had time for a connection with Supes before his big "sacrifice" in BvS. I disliked his character in MoS. I began getting his struggles in BvS but still found it hard to like the character. Others will have different opinions however, the approach (for me) of cramming everything into two films then wanting an emotional investment in the character just didnt happen. A main character sacrifices everything and it had zero emotional a result, my view is the entire Doomsday piece was irrelevant beyond wasting time and setting up plots in future films. Who cares...

It's a gamble some folks enjoy others not so much

That's a much more valid point then many of those other questions that were raised, I believe it was Clown who so eloquently brought up why Superman's death came too early in the DCU causing a negative ripple effect on his character arc.

Damn I need to find that post now. :lol
That's a much more valid point then many of those other questions that were raised, I believe it was Clown who so eloquently brought up why Superman's death came too early in the DCU causing a negative ripple effect on his character arc.

Damn I need to find that post now. :lol

and I found the movie enjoyable (mostly).....I get why it caused such a divide among fans
I'd rather just wait to see the movie Snyder intended to release. If they decide to put that version in theaters before the Blu Ray comes out I'll see it then.
My problem with DC's approach never had time for a connection with Supes before his big "sacrifice" in BvS. I disliked his character in MoS. I began getting his struggles in BvS but still found it hard to like the character. Others will have different opinions however, the approach (for me) of cramming everything into two films then wanting an emotional investment in the character just didnt happen. A main character sacrifices everything and it had zero emotional a result, my view is the entire Doomsday piece was irrelevant beyond wasting time and setting up plots in future films. Who cares...

It's a gamble some folks enjoy others not so much

i actually was pretty disappointed that Superman was not really that likable in this movie. A lot of people (even here) attacked Man of steel because superman felt too cold and not a nice guy, in Man of steel he is not the happiest or even the most hopeful,
and all this time i kept thinking "well, that was his very first time being superman and he just had to take out Zod so maybe in the next one he will be more like the superman we all know" I kept thinking they will probably make him more hopeful and just more happy.
but if anything they made him more serious and dark and more moody. I think one of the reasons i had so much trouble with this is because i defended man of stew in my mind for so long, i expected them to have a nicer superman. But if anything he was darker than MOS which was the big problem everyone had with him.
I know they couldn't do the kind of Superman from the first movie back then when he was saving cats from trees, but this superman is depressing as hell.
That's a much more valid point then many of those other questions that were raised, I believe it was Clown who so eloquently brought up why Superman's death came too early in the DCU causing a negative ripple effect on his character arc.

I thought Supes' death was a good move. It ends the controversy over whether he was a "worthy" hero or not because nothing is more heroic than the sacrifice play. If Supes' survived then the controversy would just be this big ongoing thing that would have worn thin had it carried into a third film. But he dies, the world finally "gets" him, and now we can move on to more good stuff.
I guess it won't surprise anyone to hear that "Bat is dead. Buried" scene was written by Goyer in the first draft and was also one of the first scenes filmed. I really wish they'd thought to re-write the dialog there and reshoot it. Wouldn't have been too hard. Oh well.
I thought Supes' death was a good move. It ends the controversy over whether he was a "worthy" hero or not because nothing is more heroic than the sacrifice play. If Supes' survived then the controversy would just be this big ongoing thing that would have worn thin had it carried into a third film. But he dies, the world finally "gets" him, and now we can move on to more good stuff.

... Which includes Zack's idea of having Batman/Bruce Wayne (with Wonder Woman's help) put together the Justice League, Seven Samurai-style. You can't do that if Superman is still around, it has to be done within the vacuum of his loss. Of course, some people are going to hate that idea, too. :lol
I get that, but remember in Kingdom Come when Superman was recruiting heroes for his side, he asked the Titans to join him. The response from one of them was, "I felt like I was asked to be the thirteenth apostle". Having Superman request that you join him to fight for his cause is a noble thing. Having someone be asked to fight for a cause that killed Superman is a daunting question.
I thought Supes' death was a good move. It ends the controversy over whether he was a "worthy" hero or not because nothing is more heroic than the sacrifice play. If Supes' survived then the controversy would just be this big ongoing thing that would have worn thin had it carried into a third film. But he dies, the world finally "gets" him, and now we can move on to more good stuff.

I get that that's their intention. He earns the world's love by sacrificing himself. I just don't like that as much as the alternative, that he is already a loved figure who then dies. But even the way they did it I think it could have been played better. Doomsday was just too shortlived, there was hardly any time for it to be apparent how big a threat he was. He would have been on the news for about 10 minutes. Superman's involvement in his defeat isn't even witnessed by anyone other than Lois, Batman and Wonder Woman.
I thought Supes' death was a good move. It ends the controversy over whether he was a "worthy" hero or not because nothing is more heroic than the sacrifice play. If Supes' survived then the controversy would just be this big ongoing thing that would have worn thin had it carried into a third film. But he dies, the world finally "gets" him, and now we can move on to more good stuff.

As Superman is about to kill Doomsday he flies off and goes to meet Alfred for a coffee in Italy. :lol

... Which includes Zack's idea of having Batman/Bruce Wayne (with Wonder Woman's help) put together the Justice League, Seven Samurai-style. You can't do that if Superman is still around, it has to be done within the vacuum of his loss. Of course, some people are going to hate that idea, too. :lol

I don't like that. :lol
... Which includes Zack's idea of having Batman/Bruce Wayne (with Wonder Woman's help) put together the Justice League, Seven Samurai-style. You can't do that if Superman is still around, it has to be done within the vacuum of his loss. Of course, some people are going to hate that idea, too. :lol

I don't hate it but I don't understand why it is so important that Batman be the one to assemble the Justice League. Certainly not so important that it's worth cramming Doomsday and Superman's death into the final 15 minutes of a Batman V Superman film when that really could have been a film all on its own.

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