Super Freak
Well just think. I have been watching the 1966 series and something off struck me in it, they never explain anything, they expect the viewer or new comer to jump right in and it totally works, they are dastardly criminals and you know who they are.
Everything today has to be explained. I get it mainstream audience. Half the time those origin stories get boring and kill potential extra minutes, heck CW is spending 6 minutes doing an origin story on spider man, we don't need it. In all reality whenever they do origin sequences or a whole lot of explanation I feel insulted. Watching BvS four times this weekend I came into conclusion that yes this movie has a ton of Easter eggs for comic book fans with a keen eye. People think those knightmare are sequences are dreams but they are really not and the flash proved it.
Marvel needs tons of movies to explain one big plot but DCU is combining it all into semi small films that are there for the hardcore viewers and give you the insight on everything you need to know in one film and I like it.
Marvel had the right approach with having a movie for each character in the avengers but I mean everyone knows who superman, batman and Wonder Woman are...
BvS is its own masterpiece in its own Jesse eisenberg kind of way.
Btw the more I read from Devin faraci the more I feel like he just writes one huge review about anything and just makes it an abortion of eloquent words to make him sound full of himself. I get his approach but in this day and age it's not really necessary...
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Everything today has to be explained. I get it mainstream audience. Half the time those origin stories get boring and kill potential extra minutes, heck CW is spending 6 minutes doing an origin story on spider man, we don't need it. In all reality whenever they do origin sequences or a whole lot of explanation I feel insulted. Watching BvS four times this weekend I came into conclusion that yes this movie has a ton of Easter eggs for comic book fans with a keen eye. People think those knightmare are sequences are dreams but they are really not and the flash proved it.
Marvel needs tons of movies to explain one big plot but DCU is combining it all into semi small films that are there for the hardcore viewers and give you the insight on everything you need to know in one film and I like it.
Marvel had the right approach with having a movie for each character in the avengers but I mean everyone knows who superman, batman and Wonder Woman are...
BvS is its own masterpiece in its own Jesse eisenberg kind of way.
Btw the more I read from Devin faraci the more I feel like he just writes one huge review about anything and just makes it an abortion of eloquent words to make him sound full of himself. I get his approach but in this day and age it's not really necessary...
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