Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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But then you've created a villain out of Batman!

More like a guilt-ridden anti-hero from that point forward. It could be motivation for him to reach out to what would be the Justice League since he took out what may be the only being that could save the world should more alien threats arrive.
More like a guilt-ridden anti-hero from that point forward. It could be motivation for him to reach out to what would be the Justice League since he took out what may be the only being that could save the world should more alien threats arrive.

I agree with you, for sure, but I'm not too sure if the general audience would feel the same way, seeing Batman make Superman a kebab would more than likely turn general audiences against him. Could have just been the folks I was in the theater with but most of them had a hard enough time accepting the beat down he laid on Supes during their fight. Lots of 'I don't like him,' and the like whispered after the movie.
This is one of the sources of my biggest gripe about BvS. Don't get me wrong, to me MoS was OK (not good, not bad, just ok). I accept that this was the world created by Snyder and Co and I agree that when 2 super-beings with almost unlimited strength decided to go head to head, it's the little beings (humans) that will suffer.

Because of what happened at MoS, the divisiveness it spawned and the bombing of the Capitol, I fail to feel anything about his untimely demise via Doomsday. I think if it happened in this world, the majority of people will be glad he is gone. Before him, super beings were not in the forefront. To the common observer, he probably brought all of this destruction on the Earth. His death was a good thing, so I don't see that many mourners would come to his funeral.

I just wished that he was established first as a real hero, one that the world in that film would accept and love, that way his death would bear more weight. I felt that part of the story was not given enough due by the writers. They should have just left it out.

I think it would have been more interesting if Batman got to plunge that spear into him "killing" him in the process. Then with Superman's "dying" words, he'd ask Batman to save his mother. :)

I would not be the least surprise if Justice League starts with a group of people celebrating the Death of Superman :lol to acknowledge the problems the same way they did with the beginning of BvS

Or a montage of people being happy he is gone, daning and everything until the next villain shows up and everyone wishes he was back :rotfl
"Also, it's interesting that many people always wanted to see something more like the DC Animated films. Well, the Superman vs Zod fight in MOS is very much like the one in the SUPERMAN: DOOMSDAY animated movie (and various episodes of SUPERMAN: TAS and JUSTICE LEAGUE: UNLIMITED). In those, Superman and villains throw each other throw buildings in Metropolis all the time. There is tons of destruction (though you never overtly see people dying... just like in MOS). It's same damned thing. In fact, Zack used a lot of that as the template for the MOS fight because he figured that's what people wanted to see and he also wanted to establish how high the stakes are in super-fights like this. "

I think for me it was the music that went along with the fight in MOS. Zimmer's score was loud and bombastic especially in a theatre where the music and sound effects are so much louder tha at home. It just pummeled me. Then watch all of the explosions and buildings collapsing my senses were beat.
Oh yeah. I remember going back and forth with a few people, Irishjedi too. Although I will admit that Irish said that Superman was still new and did not know what he was doing.

I think that Zod and his crew as the villain of MoS was a bit much.

was this ever in the animated films? :lol


The fact that those had a person in them, makes it even more phallic.
It just hit me, I know what movie Zack Snyder would be a good director choice for. Nemesis! I'm not kidding either. His kind of over the top but bleak approach would fit that story to a T!!! He's still a horrible choice for anymore DC movies but Nemesis would be perfect. As long as Millar was able to draft and write the movie it could really do well. Somebody get this done!! Get him the heck away from the Justice League and let him play in a world he actually gets!
It just hit me, I know what movie Zack Snyder would be a good director choice for. Nemesis! I'm not kidding either. His kind of over the top but bleak approach would fit that story to a T!!! He's still a horrible choice for anymore DC movies but Nemesis would be perfect. As long as Millar was able to draft and write the movie it could really do well. Somebody get this done!! Get him the heck away from the Justice League and let him play in a world he actually gets!

Or spawn

Perfect for spawn
I agree. He'd be fit to direct a Spawn reboot. But someone else has to write the story and script.
It just hit me, I know what movie Zack Snyder would be a good director choice for. Nemesis! I'm not kidding either. His kind of over the top but bleak approach would fit that story to a T!!! He's still a horrible choice for anymore DC movies but Nemesis would be perfect. As long as Millar was able to draft and write the movie it could really do well. Somebody get this done!! Get him the heck away from the Justice League and let him play in a world he actually gets!


I want me damn Nemesis movie, complete with sperm-bombs! It doesn't need to be anything else besides Raid-like and over the top action.
I just saw the Jeremy Jahns review for Civil War and his reaction to that movie is what I would have expected for Batman V Superman. They raise some of the same points, but very differently.
This is one of the sources of my biggest gripe about BvS. Don't get me wrong, to me MoS was OK (not good, not bad, just ok). I accept that this was the world created by Snyder and Co and I agree that when 2 super-beings with almost unlimited strength decided to go head to head, it's the little beings (humans) that will suffer.

Because of what happened at MoS, the divisiveness it spawned and the bombing of the Capitol, I fail to feel anything about his untimely demise via Doomsday. I think if it happened in this world, the majority of people will be glad he is gone. Before him, super beings were not in the forefront. To the common observer, he probably brought all of this destruction on the Earth. His death was a good thing, so I don't see that many mourners would come to his funeral.

I just wished that he was established first as a real hero, one that the world in that film would accept and love, that way his death would bear more weight. I felt that part of the story was not given enough due by the writers. They should have just left it out.

I think it would have been more interesting if Batman got to plunge that spear into him "killing" him in the process. Then with Superman's "dying" words, he'd ask Batman to save his mother. :)
The more I've thought about what would have made this a better movie for me the more I've come to the same conclusion. Not only would this have eliminated the need for that stupid Doomsday battle that existed only to kill Supes but it would've provided a huge emotional punch to the story. If Batman had plunged the spear into Superman and then Superman uttered Martha, and then stunned Bruce asking why did he say that name would have really resonated with me as heartbreaking moment. Then Lois could have Bruce know who Martha was and that Superman was coming to Batman for help. Batman snapping out of his bloodlust for Supes would deduce that Luthor had Martha or maybe Lois would've used her ace reporter skills to do the same and Alfred listening in... you know the rest. That funeral scene would have felt so much more honest to me than the way it came across in the film and Batman could then make a vow that he'd never kill (on purpose) again.
I could see Snyder being a good fit for a Marvel Zombies film. He makes good zombie movies and he likes turning classic superheroes into murdering monsters, seems like a no-brainer (no pun intended.)
Absolutely. The joyless, "gritty" tone, ultra-violence, and overblown CG sensibilities would work perfectly for a Marvel Zombies movie. Won't happen, though. Marvel won't even license toys of the heroes as zombies anymore. No chance they would do a movie of it.
Absolutely. The joyless, "gritty" tone, ultra-violence, and overblown CG sensibilities would work perfectly for a Marvel Zombies movie. Won't happen, though. Marvel won't even license toys of the heroes as zombies anymore. No chance they would do a movie of it.

I'm surprised. They milked the zombie thing with their own titles and now when the genre is all the rage (thanks to TWD) they're forsaking it?
He could even nail a sandman or even a crow movie. A crow faithful adaptation with nothing but 80s rock music would have been amazing. Him adapting the crow book would have worked really well because the story is already there in full

The rain, the lack of color, the whole thing Is at night

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