Yeah, it did. But there was a reason for that. If you see it as "destruction porn" in a way that is glorifying that or saying "isn't all of this devastation awesome?" then you're misinterpreting it. The point is to show that if 2 super-powered beings like this are throwing down in the middle of a major city, then it's most definitely NOT a good thing. It wouldn't just be guys tossing each other into billboards... there would be some real devastation. It's also a bit of a nod to what WATCHMEN, MARVELMAN (or MIRACLEMAN) and KINGDOM COME established so well, which is what would really happen if "metahumans" were real and had brawls among us. It would never be a good thing, even if the good guy wins... because there would be casualties. That's not meant to be taken lightly or seen as "cool" at all.
That said...
My position then is the same as it is now: Superman indeed goofed by not doing everything he could to get the fight out of Metropolis. But people are still over-the-top in blaming him for all of that. At the end of the day, all he was trying to do was stop Zod, who he knew was going to kill as many people as he could and likely even the entire world unless Superman stopped him. Sure, maybe the sequence could have used a quick shot of Superman saving a few people from a Starbucks or something. But it would not have changed the point much. Afterall, the thing that made him have to snap Zod's neck (which also throws some people into fantrums) is that he did it to save a family.
That entire sequence isn't meant to be an out-and-out victory. It's also meant to show the costs of a world that has people with powers like this fighting each other.