Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I'm surprised. They milked the zombie thing with their own titles and now when the genre is all the rage (thanks to TWD) they're forsaking it?
You can find toys of villains, just not heroes. I guess they think the image is more important than the revenue in that regard.
He could even nail a sandman. . .movie.
Sweet mother of God, no. I would rather he stick with Superman than ruin the Sandman story. If any stories in DC's history require someone with strong storytelling skills and a nuanced understanding of the human experience, it would be Sandman and Swamp Thing. Unless you're talking about the Golden Age Sandman. That would work.
You can find toys of villains, just not heroes. I guess they think the image is more important than the revenue in that regard.

Sweet mother of God, no. I would rather he stick with Superman than ruin the Sandman story. If any stories in DC's history require someone with strong storytelling skills and a nuanced understanding of the human experience, it would be Sandman and Swamp Thing. Unless you're talking about the Golden Age Sandman. That would work.

Gaiman himself is the only one that should helm a Sandman flick.

And lure Moore to write a Swamp Thing trilogy :monkey3
Gaiman himself is the only one that should helm a Sandman flick.

And lure Moore to write a Swamp Thing trilogy :monkey3
I think Matthew Vaughn could also do Sandman. But yeah, a small number of guys could do it justice. I wasn't exactly disappointed when "Robin" dropped out of that project.

Of course, if Moore would do screenplays for these movies that would be awesome. But then, knowing him, he would probably sabotage the project by writing something that so subversive and complex that no one would be able to follow what was going on. Plus, he always worked as a collaborative with artists. To do something where he had much less control could be a formula for disaster.

Not that it matters anyway. He would never do it. Money means nothing to the guy, and he eschews comic book movies in general.
That looks like an empty parking lot, so I doubt people died there. Also, he was shown saving people in the film...just not during the final fight against Zod. He did save the whole planet before the Zod fight started :dunno

Yeah but not to the extent of say.. Superman 1 or 2. His main concern was the people. In fact he plead for the people in the Bus before being thrown if I remember correctly in part 2. He saved all of California in a variety of ways that just felt.... right.

In MOS he did save the whole world I admit but it was anti climatic in a way... People did not see him saving the world.

My fav part in MOS is the school bus scene when he was a teen. Everything about that scene was PURE Superman.... You don't see the bus and then it gets pushed out of the water and you hear the new Zimmer Superman them.. It is IMO the highlight for Superman in both film. The Montage in MoS was pretty good but could have been longer.

Yes it was a parking garage that got destroyed and we have to assume nobody was in it... But the "people" did not seem to be as much of concern to Superman in MOS. I am not saying it was not there it just was not presented well IMO


I Will never understand what their point was with that scene.... I just dont get it why that was done that way... im not bashing or hating but why would anyone just jump over something that you can stop from crashing? that truck wasn;t going to hurt him.... wasnt going to do anything to him, stopping it actually seems easier than jumping over it.

it wasnt even going in the air... the wheels were still in the ground. it just... does not make sense in any way

It's because they though it made Superman look cool :)

Yeah, it did. But there was a reason for that. If you see it as "destruction porn" in a way that is glorifying that or saying "isn't all of this devastation awesome?" then you're misinterpreting it. The point is to show that if 2 super-powered beings like this are throwing down in the middle of a major city, then it's most definitely NOT a good thing. It wouldn't just be guys tossing each other into billboards... there would be some real devastation. It's also a bit of a nod to what WATCHMEN, MARVELMAN (or MIRACLEMAN) and KINGDOM COME established so well, which is what would really happen if "metahumans" were real and had brawls among us. It would never be a good thing, even if the good guy wins... because there would be casualties. That's not meant to be taken lightly or seen as "cool" at all.

That said...

My position then is the same as it is now: Superman indeed goofed by not doing everything he could to get the fight out of Metropolis. But people are still over-the-top in blaming him for all of that. At the end of the day, all he was trying to do was stop Zod, who he knew was going to kill as many people as he could and likely even the entire world unless Superman stopped him. Sure, maybe the sequence could have used a quick shot of Superman saving a few people from a Starbucks or something. But it would not have changed the point much. Afterall, the thing that made him have to snap Zod's neck (which also throws some people into fantrums) is that he did it to save a family.

That entire sequence isn't meant to be an out-and-out victory. It's also meant to show the costs of a world that has people with powers like this fighting each other.


I was replying to why there is no funny video of people screaming at the end of Avengers. Avengers went more out of the way to show that there was concern for the people and also had a lot less destruction (Imo AOU almost went too out it's way to save the people but that movie sucks period :))

You are 100% correct about the whole What if there really was a Superman fight in the middle of the city. But IMO and many others, it just did not work. Which is fine. I just never got goosebumps like I have in other superhero films. I found myself laughing because I could not get over the amount of destruction. To me it was not much better then a disaster film. Which ironically is what Superman the movie reminded me of... But Superman came and stopped all of the disaster.

As for my Disaster Porn comment... Well yes it was to show what too being like that would do to a city.. But until BvS you did not see any real consequences with the people on the ground. Hell until BvS you had some people arguing that most people got out of the city. Superman Makes out with his girlfriends on the ashes of the dead. Thus giving the film more of Destruction for spectacle sake. No real consequences until BvS. Hence Destruction Porn.
The more I've thought about what would have made this a better movie for me the more I've come to the same conclusion. Not only would this have eliminated the need for that stupid Doomsday battle that existed only to kill Supes but it would've provided a huge emotional punch to the story. If Batman had plunged the spear into Superman and then Superman uttered Martha, and then stunned Bruce asking why did he say that name would have really resonated with me as heartbreaking moment. Then Lois could have Bruce know who Martha was and that Superman was coming to Batman for help. Batman snapping out of his bloodlust for Supes would deduce that Luthor had Martha or maybe Lois would've used her ace reporter skills to do the same and Alfred listening in... you know the rest. That funeral scene would have felt so much more honest to me than the way it came across in the film and Batman could then make a vow that he'd never kill (on purpose) again.


I like how it would push Batman to never kill again.

Also, should anything happen to Lois, and Superman resurrects as an angry super being for losing Lois, then Batman would really feel at fault and him trying to make things right would feel more sincere.

I think stories like these should explore the potential consequences of their actions. To a certain extent, this explored the consequences of the events of Man of Steel. And I think those could have been major highlights of the film had it not glossed over that topic.

It'd be funny if someone added audio to this one as well.

Superman jumps over the tanker and while he's standing their looking all cool as it explodes behind him you hear screams from the parking garage going "No!" "Please, God!" "Why??" "Hopeman you son of a bi--!"

It'd be funny if someone added audio to this one as well.

Superman jumps over the tanker and while he's standing their looking all cool as it explodes behind him you hear screams from the parking garage going "No!" "Please, God!" "Why??" "Hopeman you son of a bi--!"
[emoji38]That would be funny. I'd have the same person shout "I hope you get killed by a cave troll!" at the end.

It'd be funny if someone added audio to this one as well.

Superman jumps over the tanker and while he's standing their looking all cool as it explodes behind him you hear screams from the parking garage going "No!" "Please, God!" "Why??" "Hopeman you son of a bi--!"

All it needs is this:

In all seriousness, has anyone revisited MAN OF STEEL in the wake of BvS?

Yup, I watched it a couple of days before seeing the advance showing of BvS.
I love both movies.
I remember getting chills seeing the trailer for MOS, and for me, it exceeded my expectations.

The only thing I didnt like about it is how Pa Kent died. The Tornado scene.
I've watched the bluray many times and I always had to skip that part. lol
Everything else though. I love it.

edit: oops, didnt get that you meant after BvS.
Nope, not yet.
Never liked the Tornado sequence, either. And it was even worse in the script. Pa Kent had some lines of dialogue before being swept away that were beyond cringe-inducing.

Overall, though, the film has improved upon revisiting it after BvS. Particularly Superman himself. He's not nearly as "dark" and "glum" in that film. And there are a few genuinely cool Superman moments. The Oil Rig, the School Bus, and the World Machine (aside from the terrible CG tentacles) are good stuff. Perhaps people just wanted/needed more of that. And I still love the entire sequence when he gives himself up to the military (particularly the interrogation room scene). Other things like his 2 scenes with Martha and the one with the priest are actually much stronger now, too. And I'll always love the "Nice suit, son" line... If only because it reminds me of my own mother. :)

Anyway, it's interesting to revisit movies sometimes from different prisms and perspectives, including sequels.
Anyway, it's interesting to revisit movies sometimes from different prisms and perspectives, including sequels.

You want something fun then? Try going back to Revenge of the Sith after years of the Harmy OT and now TFA. I tried it a couple months back. I stomached it for about 15 minutes before having to shut it off. :lol