I thought JAWS would be inclined to agree more with me until he professed his undying love for Back to the Future Parts II and III in the Shallows thread.![]()
I just don't what to say to the man who does not care for BTTF II but likes ID4:R
I thought JAWS would be inclined to agree more with me until he professed his undying love for Back to the Future Parts II and III in the Shallows thread.![]()
I just don't what to say to the man who does not care for BTTF II but likes ID4:R![]()
and I just couldn't handle Marty's girlfriend being a different actress.
Interesting article. Can't say I disagree: https://www.vox.com/2016/6/29/12046656/independence-day-resurgence-bad-review-no-second-act-problem
I have to wonder how much of this movie landed on the cutting room floor. I really expected this to be at least 2.5 hours long, not exactly 2.
Yeah. But the blogger is right. Everything we knew about the characters was established in Act 1. At the end of Act 1 the aliens attack and then we just have one massive Act 3 counterattack with virtually no character building moments in between.
I'm pretty sure Darth Madden's coworker was messing with him since the general consensus was that Resurgence was an entertaining follow-up to the disappointing original.
The other day a gal at my own company started to tell me that she thought Back to the Future Part II was awesome but then she just burst out laughing, unable to even say it with a straight face. I think it's just a game female coworkers like to play.
I just don't see where it's that bad.....honestly!![]()
Other than a few cheesy lines, how in the world was the 1st one disappointing? It was when movies were still allowed to be fun and it's was a fantastic summer pop corn flick.
the general consensus was that Resurgence was an entertaining follow-up to the disappointing original.
Other than a few cheesy lines, how in the world was the 1st one disappointing? It was when movies were still allowed to be fun and it's was a fantastic summer pop corn flick.
Other than a few cheesy lines, how in the world was the 1st one disappointing?
It was when movies were still allowed to be fun