Aside from the stubby arms, it's an excellent figure.
Yes, one of Hot Toys best. This whole line has been great, we can only hope the WW figure is the same quality now.
Aside from the stubby arms, it's an excellent figure.
Just received my portable studio over the mail, here is a test shot. Still need some fine tuning with the lightning.
View attachment 312057
Interested about this as well. I'd love to start taking figure pics but I don't have a good set up to do it. Something like this would be great.Right, I was curious what model or brand. Thanks in advance!
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Looks cool... So what did you do for the black background in the pics? As your setup has a white back ground...
Nice setup and pictures, just don't waste exposures on them, go DC. Lol so many hate on DC , I have to retaliate for them nice work brother keep up the awesome pics
Only thing with those light tents and lamps I can suggest is try to get LED bulbs for the set. The ones that stock ship have awfully hot lights and will not only melt the lamp housings themselves, but make the tent very warm.
Nice set up! And for the price, that's ridiculously cheap! Thanks for posting the info