Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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The new trilogy is already ****ed as far as I'm concerned unless the next 2 films somehow manage to make the facepalmery of TFA's story worthwhile - I can't see that happening - but if it did and if I had liked the prequels - then I would want Snoke to be Plagueis. I can see the merit in the idea that the villain of this trilogy should connect all the way back to the Prequel trilogy.

First Order (who?) did more damage to the Republic WITHOUT THE EMPEROR AND VADER being around!

Scared Luke away, check
Seperated Han and Leia because of "muh son Kylo", check
Blew up the core Republic governing planets, check
Killed Han, check

Some victory 32 years ago, alot of good that did lol
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Only thing i want is a glorious reveal of the knights of ren. Snoke supervises so much sith wannabes there is a lot of side stories out of it LOL

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First Order (who?) did more damage to the Republic WITHOUT THE EMPORER AND VADER being around!

Scared Luke away, check
Seperated Han and Leia because of "muh son Kylo", check
Blew up the core Republic governing planets, check
Killed Han, check

Some victory 32 years ago, alot of good that did lol

Exactly. How does a remnant of the Empire manage to build a superweapon of that size, many times more powerful than the Death Star II? How do they have the resources? How does it go unnoticed and unobstructed by the New Republic? If they can make such a weapon how the hell are they not already in control of the galaxy again? Cart before the horse. Just doesn't work for me. They should have come up with a different kind of enemy.
Exactly. How does a remnant of the Empire manage to build a superweapon of that size, many times more powerful than the Death Star II? How do they have the resources? How does it go unnoticed and unobstructed by the New Republic? If they can make such a weapon how the hell are they not already in control of the galaxy again? Cart before the horse. Just doesn't work for me. They should have come up with a different kind of enemy.

That is why TFA really doesn't count as a continuation of what should have occured... Here is Luke Skywalker LETTING all this happen while moping around a mountain top. Really?
Yes the "beaten" Empire does more damage and cause things to fall apart ....the mighty Yoda , Ben and Luke and a strong rebellion only slowed them down for a few years.
Exactly. How does a remnant of the Empire manage to build a superweapon of that size, many times more powerful than the Death Star II? How do they have the resources? How does it go unnoticed and unobstructed by the New Republic? If they can make such a weapon how the hell are they not already in control of the galaxy again? Cart before the horse. Just doesn't work for me. They should have come up with a different kind of enemy.

Yes a-dev I need to be brave and join the E7 is bogus council that you started.

But but 32 years have passed.

Not good enough, sorry.

I'm sure by the 3rd movie there will be a Sith resurgence that will equal in the hundreds if not thousands of Sith warriors ready to battle for Snokelagueis but by then no matter how cool that might seem on paper it's nothing we haven't seen in a videogame already.
First Order (who?) did more damage to the Republic WITHOUT THE EMPEROR AND VADER being around!

Scared Luke away, check
Seperated Han and Leia because of "muh son Kylo", check
Blew up the core Republic governing planets, check
Killed Han, check

Some victory 32 years ago, alot of good that did lol

FO scared Luke away? He went on his own to teach the jedi ways. :dunno
FO separated Han and Leia? it's pretty obvious they were together until Kylo went ape ****.
Ill give you blowing up the Republic planets. Even though it was a group effort amongst different parties, but a militaristic move indeed.
FO killed Han? That was kylo. :lol

Jye, your hate blinds you.
FO scared Luke away? He went on his own to teach the jedi ways. :dunno
FO separated Han and Leia? it's pretty obvious they were together until Kylo went ape ****.
Ill give you blowing up the Republic planets. Even though it was a group effort amongst different parties, but a militaristic move indeed.
FO killed Han? That was kylo. :lol

Jye, your hate blinds you.

Are you back on the weed. :lol

I love you anyways, you will always be our ZaCH.

At least Jye's hate for TFA is almost as strong as his hate for the PT. And at least he likes BvS.

a-dev has shown me the truth.

True that I don't hate BvS but the extended edition made the movie worse lol

Ouch! TFA, PT and BvS somehow all mentioned in one sentence. That must cast a powerful spell, or release some horrible Betelgeuse character.

Say Kong 3x.
What will you do if its not true? You've invested so much of your life into it.

Like others have said, it'd be a wasted opportunity. Lucas gave this new crew the perfect seed with that line by Palps ---> "To cheat death is a power only one has achieved."

It'd be foolish for them not to build on that. And there's plenty of evidence to suggest its what they're doing.

-The novel by Luceno was thrown out of canon
-The throwaway line from Kylo "The Supreme Leader is Wise."
-The score in Snoke's scenes is virtually identical to the score in ROTS when Palps tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise
I would welcome Hayden's involvement in TLJ (unlikely though it is, IMO).

So there. :moon

It would be weird not to see Force ghosts in this trilogy. But we've at least *heard* Obi-Wan.

Thought I read somewhere, sometime that the ability to become a Force ghost was only temporary. Not sure if that's still canon.

Like others have said, it'd be a wasted opportunity. Lucas gave this new crew the perfect seed with that line by Palps ---> "To cheat death is a power only one has achieved."

It'd be foolish for them not to build on that. And there's plenty of evidence to suggest its what they're doing.

-The novel by Luceno was thrown out of canon
-The throwaway line from Kylo "The Supreme Leader is Wise."
-The score in Snoke's scenes is virtually identical to the score in ROTS when Palps tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise

Your point is well said.

Though I also wouldn't mind if Snoke was Palps. Would be a nice nod to Dark Empire (in my mind, at least).
-The score in Snoke's scenes is virtually identical to the score in ROTS when Palps tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis The Wise

People always refer to that music cue. There is no 'Plagueis theme' -- just "dark side" music. Williams himself said he uses cues for various reasons. Luke's theme pops up all the time. Hell, I just watched that part in TFA where Rey snatches the lightsaber away from Kylo and the music cue there is Luke's theme. Yet people still say Rey is not Luke's daughter. Like you. Can't have it both ways.
That's actually the force theme, or originally obi wan Kenobi's theme

Luke's theme is actually the main Star Wars theme, the one that plays over the opening crawl

But I agree, sometimes Williams just rehashes cues because he likes the tone or feeling it suggests, and fans tend to deem it more of a hidden message than I think he actually intended

Or then again, maybe it is all on purpose, because it all seems to work so perfectly in the end
I believe you -- but the original album never had a "Force Theme" listed, nor a Ben theme. I do realize there is a distinction between the two themes and what you call the "Force theme" tends to be used for more mystical purposes while what you call the Luke theme is used for more adventurous fare often. But the Force theme seemed to be used for Luke many times in the movies in places not connected to the Force necessarily (like when he finds his aunt and uncle dead).

I wish I knew Williams' rules. I imagine they are a lot looser than a collector's organizational mind.

it all seems to work so perfectly in the end

Star Wars does anything but work perfectly in the end. The OT is rife with 'ooops' moments and fans fix it. Same with PT. No reason to think somehow this new trilogy will do something the other trilogies couldn't.

Whatever it ends up being, fans will "fix it" for their own OCD connection needs.
I believe in the liner notes on the original album Williams named Bens theme, and then started referring to it as the force theme on the sequels

It all ends up perfectly in my head anyway, haha
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