Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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More happens in episode 3, but rogue one comes together better and the acting is way better.

Chewblacca, pls. The dude that played General Grievous was a better actor than Felicity "I'm a piece of wood" Jones. What that dude did with his eyes under Grievous' mask was simply amazing. The only decent actor in RO was the droid bro, K2SO. He had more personality than any of the ensemble cast. Everyone else is a meme, especially Saw Gerrera

And damn right it had more stuff. Not only did it also have the Death Star, Tarkin (who we thankfully didn't get to see up close), a video game Vader, lightsaber(s), Princess Leia (a real babby, not a CGI monster that belongs in an Alien movie) and Jimmy Smitts, it also had mother****in' Yoda. Yoda Force pushing the Royal guards against the wall and not letting Palpy leave > K2SO casually lobbing a grenade at Stormtroopers

Throw in a score that is done by John Williams instead of some crap tempo music and an opening that actually evokes Star Wars instead of coming off as a chintzy fan made flick (right down to it's crappy, rushed "ROGUE ONE" title card that was made by interns) and it's clear who is the victor here.

But let's not kid ourselves, all prequels suck (except Temple of Doom). The Alien franchise is no exception. Some are just better than others.

I can't decide if I like you or not.

It'a normal, I get that all the time.
Prequel lover, Disney Wars hater? That's like the best combination.

The Bible has a warning for people like you and DiFabio!

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." --Isaiah 5:20

Brah, DiFabio has always been a prequel sympathizer, if only to oppose Disney wars, which is equally respectable.

The Bible has a warning for people like you and DiFabio!

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." --Isaiah 5:20

But that's you guys, and you can't see that because ((( Disney ))) doesn't want you to.
Brah, DiFabio has always been a prequel sympathizer, if only to oppose Disney wars, which is equally respectable.

But that's you guys, and you can't see that because ((( Disney ))) doesn't want you to.

Indeed my compatriot.

Back when it was just the OT and PT, I loathed the latter. It was undeniably OT > PT. I spit on the prequels.

But when the Disney Wars came along and the mouse ripped my Uncle George's baby from his hands for a couple billion shekels, well I got a little angry. TFA and RO, though indeed harmless are soulless ripoffs in every sense of the word. So shall it be OT > PT > Disney SW flicks. That is the patrician's rank.
Indeed my compatriot.

Back when it was just the OT and PT, I loathed the latter. It was undeniably OT > PT. I spit on the prequels.

But when the Disney Wars came along and the mouse ripped my Uncle George's baby from his hands for a couple billion shekels, well I got a little angry. TFA and RO, though indeed harmless are soulless ripoffs in every sense of the word. So shall it be OT > PT > Disney SW flicks. That is the patrician's rank.


Star-Crunch, are you saying you love all Star Wars movies? There's only one person on here that thought that way, and he's no longer with us.

Quick, how many toys did you get for Christmas from Santa Clause last year?
A) that song is just terrible
B) getting down on a cello is weird. Like to see someone act that way while playing a flute.

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You clearly need to visit some Jethro Tull. I was also expecting the two robots in Covenant to deep throat their flute.

Star-Crunch, are you saying you love all Star Wars movies? There's only one person on here that thought that way, and he's no longer with us.

Quick, how many toys did you get for Christmas from Santa Clause last year?


You clearly need to visit some Jethro Tull. I was also expecting the two robots in Covenant to deep throat their flute.


I was actually expecting David to push the flute thru Walters mouth.

There really was alot of sexual tension going on between the 2 of them lol
Honestly, if I had an exact clone of myself, I would probably **** me too. It ain't gei, cuz


Star-Crunch, are you saying you love all Star Wars movies? There's only one person on here that thought that way, and he's no longer with us.

Quick, how many toys did you get for Christmas from Santa Clause last year?

Pfffff, I don't believe in Santa Clause:slap

But my mom did get me 16 Hawt Toyz dolls for being such a good boy:)

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