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I still think he's only 50% of Ledger Joker.

To be at the level of Ledger Joker or even Nicholson Joker he would've needed another 30 full minutes at the level of the car scene with Peter.
I still think he's only 50% of Ledger Joker.

To be at the level of Ledger Joker or even Nicholson Joker he would've needed another 30 full minutes at the level of the car scene with Peter.

Maybe, I'm not going to die on the battlefield of what exact percentage of Ledger he was, I'm just going with he did a great job and is arguably Top 3 in recent memory. ;) :duff

TDK interrogation is still the best scene in any cbm, ever.
That'd be a pretty big blow for both Feige and RDJ. Hell Cap too even made an appearance. Okay Wor-Gar maybe you should go see it, if this doesn't do better we'll never hear the end of it from pturtle and SNIKT, lol.
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Yeah true but so far MCU is on a perfect track record even with GOTG2 not hitting 1B.

SH not beating the 2 movies that caused the reboot movement to begin with over to the MCU would not only be highly embarrassing for Marvel Studios but also a possible foreboding sign that IW might suffer the same fate.
Batman/Bruce Wayne > Vulture

Beetlejuice > Vulture

Riggan Thomson > Vulture

Jack Butler (Mr. Mom) > Vulture

Bill Blazejowski > Vulture

Ken Doll > Vulture

Daryl Poynter > Vulture

Marvel and Sony BTFO
Obidiah Stane
Red Skull

Obidiah Stane was a better Lex Luthor than Eisengberg though.

I can't see how Vulture was better than Stane. Jeff Bridges actually gave a better performance, he was more integral to the story, his relationship with Stark was far more fleshed out, he even has better action scene in the Iron Monger suit. This Vulture nonsense is seriously either hype or Keaton fanboys being delusional.

Red Skull wasn't very fleshed out, but Hugo Weaving at least gave a good performance which edges out Vulture in my opinion, but putting Vulture over him doesn't bother me much because both of them are super under developed, lack memorable scenes and are not that important to the story at all. Hell, Stane even looked badass as just a regular pedestrian, he rocks a baldy a lot better than Keaton, and that beard was boss. He's seriously one of the most underrated villains out there.

Abomination had a great final battle with Hulk, and Tim Roth gave a decent performance. I'd put him over Vulture since he at least had a great ending battle.

Ultron straight up sucked, can't defend that one :lol

Even though he's not part of the MCU I'd put Zod from MOS far above him too, and I don't even think he was that great of a villain.
But only the first appearance or debut counts, doesn't?

I don't know.

But the list of villains in the last 10 years is very weak. Have we only had Ledger as a truly outstanding movie villain since 2008? Its because of all these crap, mediocre superhero movies. One more reason to hate them.

No one said Kylo or Krennic either. Khev gonna be angry :lol
I can't see how Vulture was better than Stane. Jeff Bridges actually gave a better performance, he was more integral to the story, his relationship with Stark was far more fleshed out, he even has better action scene in the Iron Monger suit. This Vulture nonsense is seriously either hype or Keaton fanboys being delusional.

I just think he was the typical "evil" business man who wants to take over the company and make moah moneeey.

Red Skull wasn't very fleshed out, but Hugo Weaving at least gave a good performance which edges out Vulture in my opinion, but putting Vulture over him doesn't bother me much because both of them are super under developed, lack memorable scenes and are not that important to the story at all. Hell, Stane even looked badass as just a regular pedestrian, he rocks a baldy a lot better than Keaton, and that beard was boss. He's seriously one of the most underrated villains out there.

Redskull should have worn a swastika. That alone would give him a boost, but as a villain, he just wanted to take over the world and the third act didn't do him any favors. I don't think he had any great villain scenes. He just look cool. They could have done so much with him being a Nazi.

Abomination had a great final battle with Hulk, and Tim Roth gave a decent performance. I'd put him over Vulture since he at least had a great ending battle.

I forgot about Tim Roth. He was good and the final fight was good. I guess he was a pretty good villain.
I just think he was the typical "evil" business man who wants to take over the company and make moah maneeey.

Redskull should have wore a swastika. That alone would give him a boost, but as a villain, he just wanted to take over the world and the third act didn't do him any favors. I don't think he had any great villain scenes. He just look cool. They could have done so much with him being a Nazi.

I forgot about Tim Roth. He was good and the final fight was good. I guess he was a pretty good villain.

See that's the thing, I said before, Vulture at least had a decent motivation for what he was doing, but that was really it, nothing else about him or what he did in that movie was very memorable, and Keaton's performance was not that great at all.

Stane while having a typical cliche evil businessman agenda at least was entertaining, Bridges played that character perfectly and to be honest that's about as perfect as you can go for Iron Man's first villain. He was the perfect antithesis to Stark, and was the perfect villain to put Iron Man against in his first film. And like I said before, he at least had a decent battle with Iron Man, Vulture had one of the most anticlimactic battles I've ever seen in a superhero movie.
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IM1 climatic battle was not well received and it's still better than that SH end battle lol.

But i'll put Stane below Vulture.

Yea I remember :lol

But when you look at it, it's actually not that bad compared to most of the MCU final battles

Iron Man 2, The First Avenger, Thor 1, Thor 2, Iron Man 3, Guardians 1 and 2, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and Spiderman Homecoming all terrible final battles. Iron Man 1's actually isn't that bad when compared to most of the MCU.
See...? She'll be back as a good guy/helper.

Stupid. No one dies. Just an ever-expanding cast of characters to the point of ridiculousness like IW. The amount of hero characters is a ****ing joke.
Yea I remember :lol

But when you look at it, it's actually not that bad compared to most of the MCU final battles

Iron Man 2, The First Avenger, Thor 1, Thor 2, Iron Man 3, Guardians 1 and 2, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man and Spiderman Homecoming all terrible final battles. Iron Man 1's actually isn't that bad when compared to most of the MCU.

Wow, forget the villain problem, MCU needs a better third act :lol

I do like Dr. Strange's final battle.

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