Much better
I don't think I'll ever like the cowl and narrow neck on the Dark Knight version of the suit, not to mention all the armour, but I understand why many prefer it. Certainly very sleek and cool looking. The begins suit is just more how I picture Batman.
I ended up just flipping the base around to have him stand on the flat surface of the stand, as shown in this old pic. So annoying how hot toys does that with bases.
I don't think I'll ever like the cowl and narrow neck on the Dark Knight version of the suit, not to mention all the armour, but I understand why many prefer it. Certainly very sleek and cool looking. The begins suit is just more how I picture Batman.
I've never liked that Bat-suit and I think it's safe to say by now I never will. I just think it's goofy as ****.
While I don't necessarily mind the design of it. I do think it's funny how it's supposed to make him faster and more agile yet you see him move just as slow in the TDK suit as he does in the BB suit. Even in TDKR, when he saves Blake at the end from all those goons it's like watching him in slow motion but that's just how slow he's actually movingyet we have Affleck in this beefy bulky suit and he moves lightning fast.
All that said, the BB suit is definitely my favorite out of the two. Agreed with the feeling of the BB suit just being beastly and actually intimidating
I think it makes sense that bats would have multiples of his suit, ala keaton.
Plus didn't the costume designers for the first movie intend for the Begins suit to only be seen in darker settings? I remember Nolan or someone else saying it looked cheap in broad daylight, which is something they specifically tried to rectify with the Dark Knight suit (and why you see much more daytime shots with it).
I would've loved seeing him face Bane in the Begins suit though. Would've been an awesome end to the trilogy.
If this Joker guy was so smart he'd have us bring a bigger car! Hey.... what happened to the rest of the guys?That sucks that they both go up for pre-order on the same day, that's a lot of money