Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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So, it comes down to the extent to which you can put that aside for the purpose of allowing a film to tell you a story. And for some, there is a different threshold there. Some may be fine with Star Wars saying that the rebels are the good guys and the "law and order" imperials are the bad guys, but take issue with a same sex relationship between Poe and Finn. Or whatever. But I wouldn't argue that films shouldn't confront these issues. If they don't, then they risk losing any real edge or voice, and becoming even more bland and forgettable than movies often are--the dreaded "PC" outcome of not offending anyone. Like Zach says, I also respect and appreciate films that take a stance, even if its something I don't necessarily agree with in my own personal worldview. Because if you don't commit to the narrative, then you become what people associate with Marvel Studios. Good, but rarely anything beyond that. The masterpiece known as Spidey: Homecoming being the obvious exception.

Well written post. I mostly agree. However I though I think it gets decidedly trickier when you introduce modern day elements and try and bring in topics that are still very controversial.

The Empire in the OT was an obvious metaphor for the Nazis. And while at the time it was still relatively fresh in the older generations' mind, was a fairly morally uncomplicated situation and was an easy enemy for the whole audience to root against. Same with the Dark Side as a metaphor for overcoming your own personal demons and not giving into the worst of yourself. No matter what your demons are we can all relate to wanting to be a better version of ourselves.

However whenever you bring in a current topic that hasn't been settled yet and that Americans are still pretty split over and sensitive about, it just pisses off the half of the audience that doesn't agree with the filmmakers, and feels like the film makers are just using their film as a soapbox for their own political views. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and spoils what is supposed to be a fun escape from the real world.
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Sure, it makes me think about canceling my HT ROTJ Luke PO. I avoided the QMX Trek Picard for that reason. Not so much because I can't separate a 30+ year fantasy role from the actor today, but because there's just much else to collect these days, like the NECA turtles and Prime 1 TF/GIJoe/Batman statues! I will always appreciate the OT+PT as products of their time, even if I don't watch them much anymore.

Artists tend to be emotionally impressionable, and with actors using their fame as a platform, I guess that's something we'll have to live with. If it helps, try following fandoms whose protagonists are not tied to an actor, like videogames, books, etc.

Thanks for your answer.

I can separate Mark Hamill the man from Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker or the Joker. I don't agree with everything Hamill says or what he does in real life, but I'm not going to let that stop me from liking the characters he portrays. :lol

I remember when all the accusations against Arnold came out along with the maid thing. Everyone was like "he bad, I'm done with him, no mo support". I didn't give a ****. I've always thought Arnold was kind of an idiot, especially when he ran for governor, but that's not going to stop me from liking his charisma or roles like The Terminator, Conan, Jack Slater, Dutch, etc. etc.

MJ? Most people think he was a ****, I still love all of his music.

Bill Cosby? Rape allegations galore, I'm still a fan and think he's a funny guy.

My boy Michael Keaton has been acting like a "beta, liberal cuck" on twitter for months now, just like Hamill, but I still love Batman, Beetlejuice and all that stuff. It's whatever.

The key is to not idolize any of these guys, whether you agree with some or all of their views or not. They're just people.

Again thanks for your response.
Loving these costumes!! I've got a great shot of Snoke!!! The golden child!!

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Well written post. I mostly agree. However I tho k it gets decidedly trickier when you introduce modern day elements and try and bring in topics that are still very controversial.

The Empre in the OT was an obvious metaphor for the Nazis. And while at the time it was still relatively fresh in the older generations' mind, was a fairly morally uncomplicated situation and was an easy enemy to root against. Same with the Dark Side as a metaphor for overcoming your own personal demons and not giving into the worst of yourself. No matter what your demons are we can all relate to wanting to be a better version of yourself.

However whenever you bring in a current topic that hasn't been settled yet and that Americans are still pretty split over and sensitive about, it just pisses off the half of the audience that doesn't agree with the filmmakers, and feels like the film makers are just using their film as a soapbox for their own political views. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and spoils what is supposed to be a fun escape from the real world.
I think there's some truth here, but arguably Disney is already going there by turning convention on its head with a female protagonist in the last couple of movies. Some do see that as a political statement, as we've seen discussed on this forum. And movies are always a sign of their times. Had Star Wars been made in the 1950s, it's unlikely that Lando would have been a black guy. But Disney is a big company, and despite the histrionics we see in some circles, they haven't been wearing ideology on their sleeves in any major project I've seen them put out (I understand that the Cars movie recently was an exception, but I haven't seen it). Hinting that Elsa may be a lesbian or inserting one gay dude into Beauty in the Beast isn't so outrageous to me. And this is for the reason you outline here. They don't want to offend anyone too much on either side of the aisle. So, they are a bit "PC" in the sense of playing it down the middle of the road more or less. And as a result, I'm sure you will get your wish of finding a fun escape for a couple of hours. But, back to my earlier point, a movie that is made with that kind of mentality is rarely going to be overly meaningful or thought provoking. And that's fine, but I think there is room for both kinds of films. And frankly, something like Logan is a good example of a film that goes the other direction and is fully committed to the narrative, irrespective of the fact that some will inevitably get offended. Deadpool as well (I don't think the Snyder films are, though I understand the argument some will make to that effect). And that's refreshing to me, though it's not what I want to see every time out, either.


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I wonder if Flasher Luke will be a regular release, or ToyFair exclusive?
Luke looks like a bad dude while Snoke looks like a pathetic bro. Hmm, almonds activated.
I think there's some truth here, but arguably Disney is already going there by turning convention on its head with a female protagonist in the last couple of movies. Some do see that as a political statement, as we've seen discussed on this forum. And movies are always a sign of their times. Had Star Wars been made in the 1950s, it's unlikely that Lando would have been a black guy. But Disney is a big company, and despite the histrionics we see in some circles, they haven't been wearing ideology on their sleeves in any major project I've seen them put out (I understand that the Cars movie recently was an exception, but I haven't seen it). Hinting that Elsa may be a lesbian or inserting one gay dude into Beauty in the Beast isn't so outrageous to me. And this is for the reason you outline here. They don't want to offend anyone too much on either side of the aisle. So, they are a bit "PC" in the sense of playing it down the middle of the road more or less. And as a result, I'm sure you will get your wish of finding a fun escape for a couple of hours. But, back to my earlier point, a movie that is made with that kind of mentality is rarely going to be overly meaningful or thought provoking. And that's fine, but I think there is room for both kinds of films. And frankly, something like Logan is a good example of a film that goes the other direction and is fully committed to the narrative, irrespective of the fact that some will inevitably get offended. Deadpool as well (I don't think the Snyder films are, though I understand the argument some will make to that effect). And that's refreshing to me, though it's not what I want to see every time out, either.

I think its just that it depends on how on the nose your message is.

Irrelevant to what my own opinions are, for me there's just too much of politics at its worst today. News turning into a source of sensationalist entertainment and big deals being made of everything has given everyone a strong opinion and the desire to share it. Even issues like race and sexuality that were more or less settled years ago are suddenly major issues. Combine that with a generation of Pop Culture icons like Tony Stark, Dr. House, and BBC's Sherlock Holmes teaching people that the best way to get your point across, be intelligent, and look awesome is to be an abrasive, insulting arsehole to everyone you disagree with (note: its often the worst way to get yourself listened to in real life) and everyone is quick to demonize anyone they have different views from. It isn't enough that I'm a Democrat and your a Republican (or vice versa) and we disagree but ultimately both want the same things. Anyone who disagrees with me is corrupt, stupid, and literally Satan!!

So when I see very topical and controvertial topics get brought up in what is supposed to be fun entertainment, such as Woody Harrelson's character in Planet of The Apes attempting to build a wall around his fort and make the Apes do the labor for him, Doctor Who stating that Time Lords "have evolved beyond such antiquated human concepts like gender", or even much tamer yet still topical concepts that lead to arguements like the race or gender of an established character being changed to fill a diversity quota; all I can think is "Christ! Can't we give the politics a rest for one damn minute!"

Sometimes I just want to sit down with the rest of the world and have fun rather than "be taught an important lesson" that will anger more people than it educates.
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Its going to be pretty disappointing if we don't see Luke use his RotJ lightsaber again. :gah:
I think its just that it depends on how on the nose your message is.

Irrelevant to what my own opinions are, for me there's just too much of politics at its worst today. News turning into a source of sensationalist entertainment and big deals being made of everything has given everyone a strong opinion and the desire to share it. Even issues like race and sexuality that were more or less settled years ago are suddenly major issues. Combine that with a generation of Pop Culture icons like Tony Stark, Dr. House, and BBC's Sherlock Holmes teaching people that the best way to get your point across, be intelligent, and look awesome is to be an abrasive, insulting arsehole to everyone you disagree with (note: its often the worst way to get yourself listened to in real life) and everyone is quick to demonize anyone they have different views from. It isn't enough that I'm a Democrat and your a Republican (or vice versa) and we disagree but ultimately both want the same things. Anyone who disagrees with me is corrupt, stupid, and literally Satan!!

So when I see very topical and controvertial topics get brought up in what is supposed to be fun entertainment, such as Woody Harrelson's character in Planet of The Apes attempting to build a wall around his fort and make the Apes do the labor for him, Doctor Who stating that Time Lords "have evolved beyond such antiquated human concepts like gender", or even much tamer yet still topical concepts that lead to arguements like the race or gender of an established character being changed to fill a diversity quota; all I can think is "Christ! Can't we give the politics a rest for one damn minute!"

Sometimes I just want to sit down with the rest of the world and have fun without inciting an online riot.

:goodpost: :hi5: +1

I like the "Come at me Bro!" Picture of Luke.

:lol :lol :lol
Loving these costumes!! I've got a great shot of Snoke!!! The golden child!!

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Disney would like thank Hefty for their assistance in creating the big budget Star Wars: The Last Jedi outfits.


Srsly what is Luke Skywalker wearing? I can't see anyone wanting a figure of that on the shelf.
Loving these costumes!! I've got a great shot of Snoke!!! The golden child!!

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Even though luke is a good guy, he IS still guilty of being a white male, therefore he must die at some point.
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