Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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These arguments about Star Wars "fans" (and SW in general) are irrelevant:

It was a poorly written and executed film.

If you turned this exact script in at film school, you would have your ass kicked from here to yesterday. There are so many obvious narrative and structural problems with it, that it's mind-blowing how it made it to production.

Exactly. Its the fact that it's a terrible film that's the issue, before anyone adds anything about "Star Wars" to the criticism. And it's not just the writing. Woeful acting, poor vfx work, poor production design. The editing was desperate - complete lack of pacing, especially once we're into the "when will this END" last 45-60 minutes - which is in itself a reflection of how poor the completed shoot must have been to work with. Appropriately enough for a festive release, ''tis a turkey.

That's really before drilling down into the nitty gritty of the plot & character criticism. On top of that, there's then reams of Star Wars-related stuff for fans to criticise.

I'm all for swashbuckling fantastical space opera - some chap named George carried it off successfully once before, artistically & technically, so it can be done - but The Last Jedi isn't even falling close to the line. Never mind the Star Wars-brand aspects; a horrible (but thankfully forgettable) film.

I'm still laughing about Leia in space, we really needed george clooney, Tim robbins, yondu, and the guy from 2001 to float by.
Some of the shots in this movie blew my mind. The light speed suicide, crait, the snoke scene, the ******* luke scene. Man what a change of pace from TFA, it’s really refreshing.

Did not like the casino planet much, but that’s about it.

The New Hope callback was awesome, so was Luke’s reaction.

Johnson got some fantastic performances and outshines JJ in that aspect and in action. This guy knows how to set up a spectacle. The cinematography/story/acting is just fantastic.
Back then Palpatine only really has a role in ROTJ. (It was a totally different actor and voice in the original cut of ESB and it might as well have been a different character).

And he was unceremoniously killed by Vader and no one complained about his lack of story development and history. He was basically just the monster behind the monster which was a what Snoke essentially is in TLJ. He is just a plot device to build the character of Kylo like how Palpatine was a plot device to build the character of Vader (and Luke to a certain degree).

No. Vader's story ends with Palpatine's death. The price of challenging the ultimate power was death. That was fitting to end the trilogy.

Here we have an entire film left with Kylo as the sole villain - which is ****ing hilarious.
The story ended with Vader’s death. Vader isn’t the Hero in the OT. :lol

I also think it’s hilarious that you are even trying to guess what’s happening in 9 with how far away your theory ended up being in this. :lol
The story ended with Vader’s death. Vader isn’t the Hero in the OT. :lol

I also think it’s hilarious that you are even trying to guess what’s happening in 9 with how far away your theory ended up being in this. :lol

What's hilarious are these ongoing bull**** jabs you keep sending my way.

The movie was garbage. The **** me and other people on the internet theorized about was MILES better than the horse**** of a movie this was.

Snoke wasted
Luke Skywalker wasted.
Phasma wasted.
Rey pointless.
Leia using the Force to fly through space = cringeworthy.
Casino planet = ridiculous.
Kid with the broom = hilarious.

Sigh, have to admit to being disappointed in the movie as well. :( There were definitely some cool and amazing moments here and there (Rey and Kylo against the guards, Luke's epic Jedi Mind Trick at the end), but not nearly enough of them. And the story as a whole just seemed to drag and lack any real tension for some reason. TFA suffered from a bit of that as well, but at least Abrams was able to give that movie a sense of OT-style fun and energy to overcome a lot of those story problems... which is why I'm suddenly very happy now that he's making the next movie.

Unlike others here though I had no problem with the Luke part of the story. I enjoyed every one of his scenes and loved how they explored this broken down version of the character. I know there's a temptation to see him as this perfect, noble hero who never makes mistakes, but the idea of him as a very flawed hero is a good one I think. And it was also cool to see him acknowledge how the Jedi Order was equally as flawed. And yes, I thought him chucking the lightsaber over his shoulder in the beginning was awesome and hilarious.

Unfortunately with all the attention on Luke, I didn't find myself nearly as invested in Rey's story this time, which really bothered me since she made such a huge impression in that first movie. And it didn't feel like Finn or Poe were used nearly as well as they should be either. And what the hell was up with Yoda?? As much as I loved the idea of him interacting with Luke again, the CGI/puppet was just so damn weird and goofy looking that it totally ruined the moment. :slap

I've already got tickets for next week so I'm hoping I'll enjoy it more the second time around and the story will seem to flow a bit better... but I'm not overly hopeful.

As far as figures go, I'll still definitely get Luke. But for Rey I'll be content with just the Resistance look she had for most of the movie.
I wanted to see Luke train Rey. She’s OP again lol Also they wasted Phasma, Luke, and Snoke. There were some badass scenes tho like that opening.

Yeah the puppet used in Jedi was definitely a step down from the one used in Empire. Maybe two or three. And silicone-based puppet used in TPM didn't look much like the Yoda we knew. But this one... I felt like it was used in some cheap community theater version from Empire. A whole other level of bad.

I didn't stay for the end credits... was Frank Oz the puppeteer... or did it say?

I've actually always really liked the ROTJ Yoda. He may look a bit different from the ESB version, but it's still a nice looking puppet that still moved and felt enough like the original. It's more the fact he sounds like Grover that bugs me more than the design.

This one though.... I don't know what the hell went wrong. It's almost like he had some kind of weird plastic surgery done on him or something.
Have you noticed the website you're on? It's for people who collect figures from fantasy and sci-fi and comic books. Why are you here with us "imbeciles"? Go find a discussion about Friedrich Nietzsche somewhere since you're too good for all of this.

You honestly haven't noticed how simplistic these big tentpole movies have become in the last 5-10 years as studios are relying more heavily on foreign box offices? Really?

Sounds like a lot of people are throwing their hands up and saying "I'm out!" after this one. That's the reaction I had two years ago with TFA.

It feels good to not be alone.

Gonna need fakeout Luke that's for sure. Him and TFA Han are my only wants from these new films.

Wow - lots of hate here. I really loved it. I’ll leave you guys to stew in it. Enjoy!

Yeah I’m honestly suprised by the number of people here who disliked the movie. I also loved it. Like others have said, nothing will be better than the OT, but the movie was enjoyable. I’m not expecting an Academy Award winning film from a fun loving, family friendly movie. There is moments I didn’t like, and movies can obviously always be better, but in general I’m verry happy with this SW installment.
Ditto. They ruined everything.
Sadly I completely agree with this ... I've had a night to think this over now it just keeps getting worse the more I reflect back on the plot and the missed opportunities.

Snikt I would have preferred to see the version of the movie that you predicted.

Where does episode 9 go from here? I don't care for any of the characters at all and there doesn't appear to be an overarching plot that they working towards. Poor JJ he let Rian play with his toys and they've been given back to him covered in ****!
No wonder Daisey Ridley was crying when she heard JJ was returning lol

Seeing it again tomorrow. Maybe the things that bugged me aren’t as bad the second time...

Just got back, didnt hate it, but im struggling to love it. Finn and rose were absolute trash and really just padded the run time. Definitely some great moments, and great potential, but I also feel like there is just so much waste... Phasma!? Again!? Why? She could be a great character, id love to see her turn coat, or do anything at all. Rose, waste, finn, waste, jt/tj? Complete waste...

And I felt really let down by lack of explanation or answering of questions... Reys parents? Nobodies? Feels weak. Snoke? **** all, his lense? (go buy a book to learn a bit) maz? Guaruntee her sequence connects to Battlefront dlc...

Saw it last night and have to say..... I hated it. It left me feeling empty, tearful and questioning whether I just forget about the ST.

I had reservations about TFA but came to like it quite a bit. I was hoping that TLJ would give me answers and emotional pay off from TFA, but it completely disregarded TFA and to be honest, down right contradicted it. TFA now seems largely pointless.

TLJ looked fantastic and the acting, particularly from Hamill, was outstanding.

However, the basic plot was severely lacking, the side story with Finn was irrelevant and I just didn't feel any emotion from the 'twists' because they made it quite obvious that there is no coherent plan with the ST.... at all.

Lucas changed his storyline with the OT as he went along, but the changes were for the better and didn't take anything away from what had gone before. TLJ completely ignored TFA, which to me is unforgivable. Rey Random never made sense to me, Snoke has been rendered pointless and Luke's death was uneccessary.

Just got back, didnt hate it, but im struggling to love it. Finn and rose were absolute trash and really just padded the run time. Definitely some great moments, and great potential, but I also feel like there is just so much waste... Phasma!? Again!? Why? She could be a great character, id love to see her turn coat, or do anything at all. Rose, waste, finn, waste, jt/tj? Complete waste...

And I felt really let down by lack of explanation or answering of questions... Reys parents? Nobodies? Feels weak. Snoke? **** all, his lense? (go buy a book to learn a bit) maz? Guaruntee her sequence connects to Battlefront dlc...

Yeah that's pretty much where I'm at too. I definitely wouldn't go as far as calling the movie awful like others here, but too many of the characters still felt wasted and too many of the storylines just never really grabbed me like I wanted. I mean I loved the idea of Rose as this random maintenance worker who gets pulled into the fight, but we never see her do all that much or see her skills at work.

I did like the revelation about Rey's parents though, and had no problem with Snoke being dispatched so early on (since he was never more than a retread of the Emperor anyway).

In TFA Snoke wanted Kylo to bring Rey to him for reasons unknown but it was mysterious and hinted at something interesting. In TLJ she delivers herself to him for unbelievable plot reasons and Snoke now only wants her so he can read her mind to find out where Skywalker is .... Wtf

Snoke even says to her once I have broken you and extracted the secret of Skywalker's location I will end you in the cruelest way. Foolishly I took that to mean he would reveal her lineage to her and that revelation would compound her defeat ... But na he just plans for Kylo (a chap she hated very strongly and now likes because they touched hands) to execute her ... Oh ok that has more gravitas I guess opposite world, which is where the sequel trilogy has been confined to in my head canon.

Yeah that's pretty much where I'm at too. I definitely wouldn't go as far as calling the movie awful like others here, but too many of the characters still felt wasted and too many of the storylines just never really grabbed me like I wanted. I mean I loved the idea of Rose as this random maintenance worker who gets pulled into the fight, but we never see her do all that much or see her skills at work.

I did like the revelation about Rey's parents though, and had no problem with Snoke being dispatched so early on (since he was never more than a retread of the Emperor anyway).

I dont mind what happened to snoke, it was epic. What I dont like is that we never got any info on snoke, where is he from, how did he form the first order. Hes a being from outside the known regions and we get nothing on it, to know anything you have to read books and visual dictionaries and even theyre ambiguous. It just seems like tfa set up all this mystery and this movie completely ****s on it, makes us seem stupid for even asking
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