At some point to be able to compare things you have to introduce data. If you look at reviews lists and total gross dollars of GOAT movies where people paying money (adjusted for inflation) is intersecting with popular ratings that will correlate the original OT IS the final word for all things star wars. En mass especially if you are from this generation of 1977 and a true fan of the franchise, for many people it can be taken as a art form for visual film as the worst thing they have seen comparing it to the original trilogy which according to data is one of the top if not the most popular and highest grossing trilogy franchises.
The critics are going to love anything Disney puts out because they and Warner Bros own practically everything for distribution now. If a critic trashes their product they get blackballed. So of course to save your means to eat and survive and have access to releases, a favorable review will unfortunately be drawn regardless. I do not give any credence to critic reviews because there is always agenda or some influence for ALMOST all reviewers. Its their job, watching movies for most of us is a hobby and there is no ramifications if I say The Last Jedi sucks donkey ****. At the end of the day, I only care about one person's thumb's up or thumb's down.
When I say it is the worst movie ever, I mean it. I am going beyond the content of the movie as well, it is the social ramifications and sensitivity taken into the movie by Disney and the Lucasfilm team that delivered such a big fat turd from what I saw with my own eyes last night. I could see it 100 times and the opinion will not change. Its poorly written, poorly executed in its style of inclusion for all creed, color and sizes. I am for diversity, I am in a mix race marriage but that poor writing and execution of the inclusion "just because we can" cannot be over looked.
Most of all, in my opinion, this movie was done the way it is to make the 1977 generation to go the **** home. As they sincerely meant in the movie, "let the past die" dialog was malicious with intent for Disney's ultra liberal agenda and it was front and center stage in this flick. Its too hard to please the lightning in a bottle crowd and they do not want to have the high expectations to deliver on another Star Wars or Empire Strikes Back movie. So the profitable decision long term is to shove off the aging population and introduce younger, newer ethnic characters and story to the franchise.
Disney spent way to much money on the license, theme parks merch and 10 more movies in the next xxx years for this to not set up to succeed.
Sadly my best days as a fan are gone but I will rest easy knowing I can pop in a blu-ray or de-specialized edition and get my fill any time I want to have my Star Wars fix.