That would’ve been very smart and saved canon, but RJ has crapped all over it by weaponizing hyperspace. JJ will have to completely ignore it in ep 9, no other way to fix it.
Her name literally should’ve been Trash Panda![]()
Kennedy did screw up, Rose should’ve looked like a Panda.
Pfft easy 1 billion in China.
The thing is....from what I know...the Asian countries in general do not really like SW , like the Anglo Saxon counterparts.....
I think this has always been the case.
I know you're joking, but maybe they should have done this. Everyone is all Luke this, Leia, that, Lets get up Han Solo's butthole... its time for Chewie to pass the torch to a new walking furball, hell, him, R2 and C3P0 have been around since PT. Replacing Rose with a Panda creature probably would have benefited the movie and it sure couldn't hurt toy sales.
Actually, merchandise is apparently strong in Asia, what hurts them is they don't have the cinematic history most of the world has since all they got was the PT and now ST, that pretty much kills off half the fan base. I don't imagine if Star Wars began at Phantom Menace for me at the age I am, it would probably be nothing more than an Avatar style movie which I may or may not go see when they release, I can take it or leave it.
Iron Man 3 added this hottie.
now, whats the difference from her and Rose?
This thread is obsessed with the way Rose looks. Did Mon Mothma give you guys a boner too?
this gal and a final act in Shanghai led transformers age of extinction (the ****tiest of a ****** franchise) to a huge haul in China.
Yeah I was thinking more like this...
None of that creepy stuff you keep on your HD.![]()
Clearly they just don't get the depth in the storytelling. Bunch of idiots and morons...
I think along the lines of Luke saying the Force doesn’t belong to anyone, this new trilogy is doing away Sith and Jedi names for good or bad and just saying the Force is a power in the universe that some are more in touch with and able to control than others and with that, there are those who use those gifts for good and for bad.
Rey isn’t a Jedi and Kylo isn’t a Sith.
Haven’t seen BR 2049, was going to rent on demand, but is it good enough to buy straight up instead?
This thread is obsessed with the way Rose looks. Did Mon Mothma give you guys a boner too?
Mon Mothma was not shoved down our throats.. But to answer your question... Yes.
i just searched "panda furry" i do not have any furry pics on my computer. just anime girls
This thread is obsessed with the way Rose looks. Did Mon Mothma give you guys a boner too?
This thread is obsessed with the way Rose looks. Did Mon Mothma give you guys a boner too?