Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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It has EVERYTHING to do with it since 99% of the anti TLJ posts have blamed Disney/Kennedy for ruining SW!

It is the main narrative for crying out loud.

Blame Lucas he’s still ****ing SW up since 1983!
It has EVERYTHING to do with it since 99% of the anti TLJ posts have blamed Disney/Kennedy for ruining SW!

It is the main narrative for crying out loud.

Blame Lucas he’s still ****ing SW up since 1983!
I can't post pics because of photo bucket and I couldn't be assed sorting out a new account elsewhere.
But I wanted to post pictures of the Ach-To Caretakers. You know the little halloween store quality rubber guys in girls night dresses?

Jye? Defend them please? I know you have a stiffy for the green milk ***** creature, and even I like the porg hand puppets but these things show just how ****ing off his biscuit Rian Johnson was when making TLJ. Did you see the cut scenes with the fish family party? Seriously they should have left that in, it would have been as bad as the SW: holiday special.

Rian raped my middle age SW fandom.
^^^ This is exactly right. If you want to go in an entirely new direction then don't bill the movie as an OT-Skywalker continuation. Kickstart or reboot the franchise 100+ years after ROTJ and tell the story with Rey, Kylo, the FO etc with no tie ins to the OT.

But KK wanted to go in a new direction and she also wanted to maximize ticket sales by billing this as a OT-Luke Skywalker storyline... bait and switch IMO

Seriously. This is literally true. Bait and switch or a Trojan horse, more accurately. Watch KK's attempt at damage control when Mark Hamill scoffs at Luke's role in TLJ.

Say what?

Mark Hamill sticking it to "Jar Jar Abrams".

One of the only interesting characters and they wasted her. I'm talking about Captain Phasma.

Kathleen Kennedy is a political hack.

Hence the following...

I love how history is always overlooked by some when making their case against Kennedy.

It was BECAUSE of the EMBARRASSMENT caused by the PT, you know the now famous “Lucas raped my childhood” that TLJ haters and PT lovers want never brought up, that built the foundation for the OT characters to return.

Fans were drooling for their return to “unrape their childhoods”.

The demand was so strong that it lead to a near TPM 1998/1999 nirvana that culminated in an over 2 billion box office and toppled countless box office records!

Lucas would’ve never sold to Disney had TPM been received like TFA.

In essence it was the SW fans themselves who now hate TLJ that are responsible for the creation of TLJ! Ouch that stings doesn’t it.

So yeah keep talking **** with your history blinders on about Kennedy going off in new directions while maximizing profits by dragging the SW fans thru the bait and switch mud because the ugly truth is that LUCAS is the architect of your worst nightmares if not for him and Spielberg Kennedy wouldn’t even be in her position that LUCAS gave her!

Yes lets just ignore history to better my argument against TLJ.

Open your eyes Lucas even said he loved TLJ.

If he meant it that sucks for the haters.

If he is a sell out then that also sucks for the haters because your SW savior calvary isn’t coming to the rescue.

You lose either way.

Just face it SW is dead for you.

Move along this isn’t the SW you’re looking for lol

This isn't the jye I know. This is an imposter.

Only thing Lucas did wrong in my eyes was not providing updated restorations of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in their original forms. Lucas and his people could have done it, and done it well. It would have been special and he could still keep doing his special editions and such. I'd have gone and seen the 3D versions of the rest of the 5 movies with new scenes and stuff like what was originally planned. Some of the prequels changes that were planned could have been pretty cool. Ironically enough, ANH 3D would have come out instead of TFA. :lol I would have rather seen that, frivolous scenes thrown in and all, instead of this new Disney garbage. As long as the original 77, 80 and 83 versions were made available to me, I wouldn't care how many times Vader said nooooo. For me, I didn't hate the prequels as much as I hated Lucas trying to forcd ome kind of cohesion by tacking on prequel elements to the OT to make them fit. If those special editions and blu rays didn't happen, I probably would have liked the prequels a little more.

Revenge of the Sith wasn't a bad send off to a Galaxy Far Far Away. Atleast Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith have closure. 2004-2012 or whenever wasn't a bad time at all. There were some quality games, cartoons and toys being made in that time.

**** is awful now.
:lol :lol :lol

C’mon DiFabio I get what you’re saying but you’re romanticizing the PT era no different than i’m romanticizing the ST era.

I will admit that the era right before 97 was incredible I drove to the NJ Liberty Science center epcot style dome Imax just to watch a preview documentary of the Special Edition footage and restoration prior release and I attended the first “digital only” screening of TPM.

I would watch the SE every weekend at the Manhattan Ziegfeld theater.

1995-1999 was an incredible 3 years never to be equaled again although TFA came very close because of the OT cast and PT cleanup duties.

But just because you can live with the PT doesn’t mean what I posted isn’t the painful reality of how we arrived where we are with SW.
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The fact is women will always want a man. A gentleman. "Good, nice, kind, friendly guys." Not a feminine or gender neutral guy. "There's huge difference between being a nice guy and being a pussie."

Yes, listen to Alpha M. It is true.
I don't see how that has anything to do with the fact that some of us think these (ST) are bad movies...

And this is not only not the SW we're looking for, it's not really SW (meaning the ST, for reasons I've explained in other posts)...

That’s the defenders go to tactic now. They dont defend this pile of burning trash directly, instead they deflect and bash the PT or OT. They shifted to this tactic 100 pages ago when the “you’re a sexist and racist” tactic was neutralize LOL!!
The fact is women will always want a man. A gentleman. "Good, nice, kind, friendly guys." Not a feminine or gender neutral guy. "There's huge difference between being a nice guy and being a pussie."

Yes, listen to Alpha M. It is true.

this video is nothing but an ad to sell ball powder
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